Community Driven Development Social Mobilization Charles Phillips Global Peace Service Alliance Diana Vaptzarova Service For Peace
Community Driven Development: Definition A process whereby local community groups gain control over the decisions and resources in the area of local development and are encouraged to act as informed participants in the development process.
Guiding principles of CDD Reduce the gap between social policy planners and beneficiaries Generate funds for specific project initiatives (eg. Capacity building programs and occupational training) Promote and improve the capacity of communities, thus creating social capital.
Changes in Development Philosophy and Practice Old Paradigm Driven by experts and well- funded agencies through a top-down approach Centralized Designed without input from beneficiaries Unsustainable New Paradigm: CDD Driven from within Decentralized Taps into the community’s knowledge of its own needs and capabilities Sustainable
Social Mobilization: Definition An approach that engages and motivates a wide range of partners and allies at national and local levels. Members of institutions, community networks, civic and religious groups and others work in a coordinated way to reach specific groups of people for dialogue with planned messages.
Social & Economic Sustainability CDD gives control over planning decisions and investment resources to the local community, which ensures sustainability, empowers the community, creates ownership, and preserves communal dignity.
60,000 children immunized in Haiti. How? Social mobilizers used megaphones to raise awareness on importance of immunization. Challenge: Connecting the vaccine to the people. Solution: Equipping social mobilizers with megaphones. “I know that with my megaphone I am saving lives.” Mrs. Omene Charles, Social Mobilizer, Campo
Empowering and Mobilizing Youth & Women Involve young people in activities that benefit community Integrate service opportunities and character education into schools’ and universities’ curricula Youth-endorsed initiatives; eg. Peace Corps What about an African Peace Corps? Or a Global Peace Corps? UN Office of Women created July, 2010
Kenya’s Dr. Wangari Maathai She was the first to recognize the connection between environmental destruction and poverty Founder of Green Belt Movement 35 million trees planted in Kenya in last 30 years Believes trees : –Restore ecosystems –Provide habitat for wildlife –Retain water –Become a resource if harvested sustainably
Successful Community-Driven Development Projects To what degree were members of this community involved in the planning and execution of this project? Do the members of the community plan to continue to work together on this and other projects? Were next steps identified by the community in which the community will take the lead?
Transition Town Movement: Embracing Reality & Resilience Started in the UK in response to Peak Oil & Climate Change Grew into a global community-driven movement Central concept: Resilience Benefits –Successful Model –Global Support Structure –The Transition Handbook
Global Peace Service Alliance (GPSA) Supports Community Driven Development throughout the world Positive experiences for youth Establish an international service corps and support such programs on a national and regional level Global Social Entrepreneurship Coalition online platform
Summary of Benefits of CDD Preserves dignity Community takes responsibility of own development Empowers community & builds community spirit Bring diverse members of community together for common cause and therefore fosters understanding, tolerance, solidarity
Summary of Benefits of CDD (con’t) Creates resilience Stimulates democratic participation and therefore advances human rights Social mobilization promotes the free flow of knowledge and information
What You can do Promote the information learned at this conference Involve yourself, your family and friends in community building initiatives Create a community planning committee in your community Become a social entrepreneur Join the GSEC network
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