Announcements: Concept maps graded and outside lab. Exams graded and scores online. Go see your recitation instructor and view exam. Papers being graded this week by TAs. Interviews in lab all week (with partner) Change in syllabus
Exam I Results: Essays were scary: In particular the folks that didn’t know the difference between a polysaccharide and a phospholipid. -> So, delete Chapter 12 add Chapter 3. TOTAL AVE= 73% Essay AVE= 60% Multiple choice AVE= 77%
Macromolecules: 4 types/polymers
Sugars: di-tri-poly-saccharides
Fats: tri-glycerides and phospholipids
DNA/RNA: di-tri-polynucleotides
Protein: di-tri-polypeptides
Handout Learn Structures and Functions of these four fundamental macromolecules
What do/should you know at this point in the course? PUT IT ALL TOGETHER: Trace the path of CO 2 from air to sugar to duodenum to beta cell to insulin secretion.
CO 2 -> ?