STAAR 4/7 Writing STAAR 5/8 Reading & Math STAAR EOC E1 &E2 Campus Coordinators Training STATE OF TEXAS ASSESSMENTS OF ACADEMIC READINESS APRIL 2014
This presentation does not take the place of reading the appropriate manuals DISCLAIMER:
Time Limits Policies and Procedures Beginning in 2014, the STAAR/STAAR Modified EOC English I & II will have a five-hour limit. All other assessments will have a four-hour limit (within the same school day). Campuses should use a clock or a timer to monitor test time. The time period will start after the test administrator has read directions and tells students to begin working on their tests. Start time must be recorded on the seating chart. Students must record all responses before the end of the time period. Stop time must be recorded on the seating chart. Communicate (orally or in writing) the amount of time left to test in one-hour intervals and, if desired, in shorter intervals during the last hour. Late-arriving students: Need to determine if the student will have time to test during the school day (4 or 5 hours) or if the student needs to test on a make-up day. STAAR 2014
Time Limits Policies and Procedures Breaks that WILL NOT stop the clock: Water breaks, bathroom breaks, snack breaks and short physical or mental breaks. Breaks that WILL stop the clock: Test administrators should document stop and restart times when breaks are given. Lunch, emergency situations that significantly interrupt testing, consolidation and movement of students to another testing area, medical breaks LUNCH: Students may stop testing to take a supervised lunch Testing time must be stopped and restart when resume All secure materials need to be placed in locked storage Students must be monitored by a certified & trained TA 100% of the time STAAR 2014
Time Limits Policies and Procedures Time Accommodations Two categories: The extra time (same day) accommodation is for eligible students with disabilities and ELLs. Begin session early in the day The extra day accommodation is rare and is for eligible students with disabilities who have a TEA-approved Accommodation Request Form (ARF). Details about eligibility and decision-making procedures for these accommodations are on the Accommodation Resources webpage. STAAR 2014
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Allowable Procedures & Materials This procedures and materials are available to any student who regularly benefits from the use of these procedures or materials during instruction. In some cases, a student may need to complete the test in a separate setting in order to eliminate distractions to ensure that the security and confidentiality of the test are maintained. This procedures and materials are not considered testing accommodations (not require to be recorded on students’ answer documents) STAAR 2014
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials List of Allowable Procedures and Materials: Signing test administration directions for a student who is deaf or hard of hearing Translating test administration directions into the native language of an English language learner Allowing a student to read the test aloud to facilitate comprehension Reading aloud or signing the personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompt to any student who requests this assistance Providing reading assistance on the grade 3 mathematics test for any student Making the following assistive tools available: Scratch paper, color overlays, blank place markers, magnifying devices and highlighters, colored pencils or crayons Giving permission for a student to use tools to minimize distractions or to help maintain focus (e.g., stress ball) Allowing individual and small-group administrations Reminding students to stay on task. STAAR 2014
Accommodations Information Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Accommodations are changes to instructional materials, procedures, or techniques that allow students with a disability and ELLs to participate meaningfully in grade-level or course instruction and testing activities. Refer to the Accommodation Resources webpage for detailed information regarding accommodations for students with disabilities. STAAR 2014
Accommodations Information Accommodations in Unexpected or Emergency Situations Unexpected or emergency situations may occur just prior-to or on-the-day of the state assessments. If that is the case please follow these procedures: 1.Try to use allowable test administration procedures, material or testing accommodation first 2.If it is determined that those will not suffice and the student requires Type 1 or Type 2 accommodations, please call BISD Assessment Department for guidance STAAR 2014
Accommodations Information STAAR 2014 Linguistic Accommodations Linguistic accommodations are available for eligible ELLs taking STAAR, STAAR L, and STAAR Modified. Linguistic accommodations vary according to the subject area assessed. Grades 3 – 5 Only Because students taking STAAR Spanish are testing in their primary language, linguistic accommodations are not provided.
Accommodations Information Testing with Accommodations Guidelines below must followed: The test administrator must receive additional training when required to administer tests with type 1, type 2 or linguistic accommodations. A test administrator must receive additional training (Appendix B of the STAAR Manual) if providing students with an oral administration. The test administrator should discuss the accommodations with the students in advance of the test session to explain what materials or types of assistance will be available to them during the assessment. This includes: level of reading support allowed STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Test Security Account for all secure materials and confidential student information before, during, and after each test administration. Access to state assessments materials and information only for district personnel that have been trained and have signed the appropriate oath. Other steps a campus must take to maintain proper security include but are not limited to: a. placing test booklets and answer documents in secure, limited-access, locked storage when not in use b. collecting daily, after each test administration, any state-supplied reference materials, graph paper, or scratch paper that student have written on during the test (turn it in to BISD assessment with all assessment materials) c.maintaining inventory and shipping records for at least five years in the event that a discrepancy arises. STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Confidentiality Requirements Maintaining the confidentiality of the Texas student assessment program involves protecting the contents of all test booklets, online assessments, and completed answer documents. a. all testing personnel who meet the requirements to participate in statewide testing must be trained and sign the appropriate oath. b. trained and qualified testing personnel who will be administering online assessments must read and accept a statement of confidentiality (TAMS) c.No person may view, reveal, or discuss the contents of a test booklet or online assessment before, during, or after a test administration. This includes those TA’s providing an oral administration, transcribing, etc. (TA needs to sign a separate section of the security oath). d.No person may duplicate, print, record, write notes about, or capture any portion of a secure assessment instrument (paper or online). e.Districts may not duplicate or retain student compositions. f.No person may review or discuss student responses. STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Penalties for Prohibited Conduct In accordance with 19 TAC and as described in the Test Security Supplement, any person who violates, assists in the violation of, or solicits another to violate or assist in the violation, fails to report a violation, is subject to the following penalties: a. placement of restrictions, renewal of Texas educator certificate; b. issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand; c. suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term; d. revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate Non-certified paraprofessionals (e.g., 1-1 aides) having access to secure materials must have a certified staff member who will be responsible for supervising them. If a violation of test security or confidentiality occurs under these circumstances, the supervising certified professional is subject to the penalties above. In addition, any irregularities in test security or confidentiality may result in the invalidation of students’ assessments. STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Testing Irregularities Serious irregularities: a. directly or indirectly assisting students with responses to test questions b. tampering with student responses c. viewing secure test content before, during, or after an assessment d. discussing secure test content, student responses, or student performance e. scoring student tests, either formally or informally f. duplicating, recording, or electronically capturing confidential test content Procedural irregularities: a.Eligibility error b.Individualized Education Program (IEP) implementation issue c.Improper Accounting for Secure Materials d.Monitoring Error STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Reporting of Testing Irregularities Each person participating in the Texas student assessment program is responsible for reporting any violation or suspected violation of test security or confidentiality immediately. Steps: 1.Campus staff notifies CTCs 2.CTCs notifies DTC 3.DTC notifies TEA Reporting of Testing Irregularities If a district determines that a student has been involved in an attempt to cheat on a state assessment, the district is required to invalidate the student’s test by marking the score code “O” for “Other” on the student answer document for the corresponding test. Disciplinary action locally. Submission of a separate online incident report form will be necessary only if the district determines that adult testing personnel contributed STAAR 2014
Training Prepare for and Attend Test Administrator Training All TA’s are required to receive training in: Test security General testing procedures Procedures unique to specific testing circumstances CTCs need to schedule and conduct training sessions before testing begins. This includes additional training sessions for TA’s testing students with accommodations. STAAR 2014
Training Test Administrators need to: Review Manual before the training and review additional resources online (as needed) Attend the Training before testing begins to get familiar with testing procedures, expectations, schedules, assignments Review Resources for Online Testing (if applicable) - Student tutorials (STAAR L, Writing tools for EOC) Complete Web-Based Test Administrator Training Modules Personnel new to the district must complete modules. Review and Sign the Test Administrator Security Oath Students tutorials (STAAR L, Writing tools for EOC) STAAR 2014
Test Security and Confidentiality Practice STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Campus Personnel need to … Help the CTC to Prepare for Test Administrations of STAAR Verifying and correcting student information as needed Review Testing Rosters to Ensure Students Are Appropriately Placed Prepare for Testing with Accommodations Review and provide the essential documents for administering accommodations Prepare ELLs for Testing with Linguistic Accommodations Confirm that linguistic accommodations are in place Verify students are aware of the accommodations prior to testing Make sure students complete online tutorials STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Prepare the Testing Environment No element of the testing room environment should hinder any student’s performance A “Testing – Do not Disturb” sign should be posted outside the room Bulletin boards and instructional displays are covered or removed All desks or computers used for testing are cleared of books and materials not required for testing Online test administrators set-up computer labs to prevent students from seeing one another’s monitors Ensure that there is one pair of headphones per student for online administrations of STAAR L STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Online testing (EOC & STAAR L) Submit roster of students to be enrolled in an online session (STAAR L) – verify student meets eligibility criteria Determine if online testing will be used (EOC- English 1 and 2) so students may be mass-enrolled for online testing Create online sessions Proctor cache session at least 3 days prior to test Generate and print student authorizations at least one day before the test administration STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Ready Seating Charts for Each Test Session Must include the district name, campus, names of the students, location, date/subject tested and TA’s names Additional seating charts must be completed if students are moved to another room Must include the start and stop times (re-starts) for each test session/student Campus’ schedules must be created that adhere to the time limit requirements for testing STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Receive Test Materials from Campus Coordinator and Prepare for Distribution For a paper administration TA’s need two No. 2 pencils with erasers per student one test booklet per student one answer document per student one answer document for demonstration purposes one copy of the test booklet for the test administrator (if applicable) dictionary/thesaurus -if eligible/as applicable calculator (5 & 8 Math) – if eligible, when applicable any additional TEA-authorized materials needed for administering the test STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Receive Test Materials from Campus Coordinator and Prepare for Distribution For an online administration TA’s need Test Session Roster(s) Student authorizations Pencils or pens for use with scratch paper/graph paper Dictionary/thesaurus (Eng1 and 2 EOC) Calculator (5/8 STAAR L Math only)* Any additional TEA-authorized materials needed for administering the test * If student meets the eligibility criteria for a Calculation Devices accommodation STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Receive Test Materials from Campus Coordinator and Prepare for Distribution Reference Materials and graph paper for: STAAR L math assessments 5 & 8 Paper Administration: are included in the test booklets and printed on perforated pages. students can remove them and use them during the test. Online Administration: available in TestNav or can be provided by CTC STAAR 2014
Prepare for Testing Inventory All Secure Materials Issued and Initial the Materials Control Form Test booklets will be issued to test administrators and recorded on the Materials Control Form (nine-digit security number) – iTracks Test administrators verify that they have received the exact number of test booklets and initial the “Out” on the Materials Control Form and that they have signed their security oath STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Procedures need to be in place to prevent the use of cell phones and personal electronic devices (staff and students) Students are NOT permitted internet access during testing A trained test administrator must be present in each testing room at all times during testing. Ratio 1:30 Established starting testing time Late arrivals may be tested if sufficient time remains in the day STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Ensure Proper Testing Procedures TAs must actively monitor the testing room while students are working TAs should confirm that students are working only on the content-area assessment being administered that day TAs should verify that students have access only to allowable materials TAs should ensure that students are marking their responses on the correct section of the answer document STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Students are NOT allowed to return to a content-area assessment attempted on a previous test day or to work on an assessment that has not yet been administered Students participating in paper administrations must mark their answers on an answer document with a No.2 pencil TAs need to remind students (paper administration) to record their responses on the answer document during the 4/5 hour assessment time “Remember that you must record your responses on the answer document.” TAs are not allowed to require students to mark their answers in the test booklet too. STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Only students are allowed to erase their stray marks or darken answer-choice circles “Be sure to erase any stray marks that you might have accidentally made on your answer document.” Reinforcing, reviewing for, and/or distributing testing strategies during an assessment is strictly prohibited TAs must alert students periodically of the time remaining in the test session Students must remain seated during testing except when receiving or returning reference materials or calculators STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Students are not allowed to talk to one another while testing is in progress After students submit their tests online, or after their paper tests are collected, students may read books quietly or leave the testing room STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Breaks TAs need may allow students to take brief breaks in the testing room during a test session. Breaks are not mandatory Students must not discuss the content of the test Breaks for student taking a paper test - booklets must be closed with answer documents inside Breaks for students taking an online test - students must be exited from the system If a student leaves the testing room for an extended time period CTCs must decide whether confidentiality has been breached STAAR 2014
Monitor Paper and Online Administration Emergencies If a school emergency arises (such as a fire alarm), students should go quietly outside, following campus regulations for exiting the building. Unusable or Defective Test Materials If a test booklet or answer document becomes unusable at any point during a test contact TAs should contact CTCs for guidance. Prepared by A.R.E. STAAR 2014
Complete Paper Administration Process Account for All Test Booklets and Answer Documents Students’ name should be written on his or her booklet Verify that answer documents are not left inside the test booklets Ensure That Answer Document Fields Have Been Completed Test Taken Info Score Code Accommodations (if applicable) STAAR 2014
Complete Paper Administration Process Return Paper Test Materials to the Campus Coordinator TAs must return test materials immediately after each test session to the CTC. Test booklets and answer documents need to be separated and counted. TAs need to return to the CTC the following test materials: answer documents to be scanned unused answer documents used test booklets (students’ name) unused test booklets braille and large-print booklets reference materials, scratch paper, graph paper CTCs will verify that TAs have returned all testing materials and CTCs will initial the “IN” column in the Materials Control Form STAAR 2014
Complete Online Administration Process Verify Online Testing Status The test will be submitted for scoring via TAMS. The student needs to click the Final Submit button. The student status will change to Completed in TAMS If the student clicks accidentally the Final Submit button during testing, CTC needs to call the DTC immediately. Students who cannot finish the test due to illness or testing irregularities SHOULD NOT click the Final Submit button. CTC needs to call the DTC immediately. STAAR 2014
Complete Online Administration Process Assign Score Codes and Accommodation Information Score Codes If scores have not been submitted automatically by the student in TestNav, CTCs need to call the DTC. *Linguistic & Accommodations for Students with Disabilities (STAAR MANUAL pg. 37) Click on the accommodations drop-down on Students Test Details screen Indicate that an accommodation was made available, even if the student did not use it. If no accommodations the field should be left “ ” STAAR 2014
Complete Online Administration Process Stop The Session All students must be in “Completed” or “Marked Complete” status Click the Stop button to close the test session STAAR 2014
Complete Paper Administration Process Return Test Materials to the Campus Coordinator Online TAs must return test materials immediately after each test session to the CTC. Online TAs need to return to the CTC the following test materials: Session rosters All student authorizations Reference materials, scratch paper, graph paper CTCs will verify that TAs have returned all testing materials STAAR 2014
STAAR 2014