Features online assessments against standards automatically generated quality improvement/work plans tools and resources for meeting standards and good practice electronic load up and storage of evidence documents an ongoing graph of progress cross referencing system for all core sets of standards so that completion of one set of standards will automatically register in other sets of standards
Menu of National and State standards
List of Standards within set. Select one to work on
Select element within a Standard to work on
Complete assessment Browse own system for evidence to load up If answer ‘No’ - Actions required to show compliance appear with resources
Interactive electronic workplan describes actions with resources. Open fields in plan to insert details for completing work
Save workplan. Once compliance work is complete and ‘ticked off’, automatically changes responses Evidence pack and area that tracks progress towards compliance Browse system to add evidence for pre existing documents or as new compliance work is completed
Evidence is stored here. Evidence also populated in all other standards with same element Shows % completion of work in element When complete, evidence pack can be sent as a zipped file.
Shows % completion of Safe Environment Standard Our work to date Grey bars show average Tracks progress by graph and % and benchmarks progress against average
Back at the main menu, we see the extent to which we have met the requirements of the standards
Back at the main menu of other standards, SPP has automatically completed work on all other standards that share the element of work we have just completed
Benefits save time - 80% saving for average organisation complete multiple sets of standards by completing a single set save work completed from year to year organise evidence track and report progress provide evidence of capability and performance for funding body, assessors, potential sponsors, partnerships and joint ventures and seeking funding for new areas generate work plans automatically use standards assessment to drive real improvement
for more information: w: Tim Tabart, Sector Development Unit P: M: e: