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I had the ______ feeling that I was being watched. a) peculiarpeculiar b) selectingselecting c) snuffledsnuffled d) positivepositive
Peculiar – strange; not usual Next One
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I spent a long time ______ selecting the right gift. a) consistedconsisted b) advancedadvanced c) peculiarpeculiar d) properly
Properly – a correct way or proper manner Next One
Because of a bad cold, I was in a bad ______ all day. a) selectingselecting b) mood c) positivepositive d) consistedconsisted
Mood – emotional state or a person’s state of mind Next One
The batter _______ of one cup of flour, one egg, and a cup of milk. a) peculiarpeculiar b) selectingselecting c) consistedconsisted d) positivepositive
Consisted – contained; was made up of Next One
As a singer, Sheila was really _____ for her age. a) positivepositive b) consistedconsisted c) advancedadvanced d) peculiarpeculiar
Advanced – beyond the beginning level; not elementary, highly developed Next One
I was _____ I had left the cookie right here on the counter. a) snuffledsnuffled b) positivepositive c) consistedconsisted d) advancedadvanced
Positive – certain; sure Next One
She tried to _____ the lost child. a) comfort b) positivepositive c) consistedconsisted d) advancedadvanced
Comfort – to soothe when sad or frightened Next One
I will _____ my idea during the class meeting. a) comfort b) mention c) consistedconsisted d) advancedadvanced
Mention – to speak of or write about briefly Next One
He _____ to bake his friend a cake for her birthday. a) comfort b) mention c) consistedconsisted d) intends
Intend – to have in mind as an aim or goal Next One
If you stop taking music lessons, you’ll waste your_____. a) mood b) properly c) talent d) intends
Talent – natural ability to do something well Next One