Living Neighbourhoods Using Systems Thinking and Behaviour Change to Create Community Demand for Lower Speed Limits Margaret Howard Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure
Living Neighbourhoods - principles What we know about behaviour change personal motivators values, aspirations social norms, tipping points (linked to…) Systems thinking how things influence one another within the whole
Living Neighbourhoods - intentions supporting interested individuals and groups to generate community demand for people friendly streets and safer roads possibilities Why are things the way they are? Do they have to stay that way? sub-text influence a shift in community perceptions, attitudes and behaviour in relation to speed
How Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level
Living Neighbourhoods - features interactive and online self managing tools citizen centric (rather than focussing on customer service) a ‘living’ resource linked to grants and other programs
Speed limits Chicanes Road Narrowing Traditional approaches
Road narrowing, street art, run over kerbs outside dining, gardens Traditional approaches with a slant
Sharing spaces…
Street Parties
Big city ideas...
School ideas…
Community Street Gardens
Web Design & Content
Planner / Checklist Working together Getting Started Funds and Grants
Ideas Thinking outside the square Speeding myths Road transport in SA Other ways of travelling Finding the Best Idea
Getting the message across Funds and Grants Measuring success Working with state govt Working with local govt Making it Happen
Templates & tips Using the Planner / Checklist Getting your thoughts together Share ideas
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