CCC#81 - “The Barclay” Huge windows, huge balconies,... and electricity bills!
CCC#81 - “The Barclay” The Barclay’s Energy Conservation Plan Presentation to owners with the participation of the Corporation counsel and Hydro Ottawa representatives January 2012
CCC#81 - “The Barclay” The Board recommends implementing the Barclay’s Conservation Energy Plan. This will be done in three steps: Step 1 -- Suite metering 2012 Step 2 -- Gasification Step 3 -- Replacement of windows starting in 2015 (Reserve Fund) Steps 1&2 cannot be funded through the Reserve Fund
Facts of Life - Then This building was designed in the '70s Electrical energy was cheap Electrical baseboard heaters were installed Huge windows and balconies were “features” Natural gas - more expensive than electricity Commercial rates lower than residential
Facts of Life – Now Compare other balconies and windows to ours Windows are more energy-conservative New condo units are individually metered “Demand charges” levied on our bulk supply Natural gas prices now much lower
CCC#81 - “The Barclay” Based on the findings of several studies done over the years and hydro escalating costs, the Board is recommending to implement Suite Metering as Step 1 of the Energy Conservation Plan. Let’s review the findings.
First Energy Audit (Sponsor - Ontario Hydro) Note the amount of the demand imposed by “Apartments 69%”
Measures Implemented since 1989 Gas Water Heater (displacing 96 kW electric) Pool Heat Recovery (from 24 kW kW) Dryer heat Recovery (estimated at 75 kW) Corridor Lighting (from 100W to 13 Watt) Further recommendation – Use natural gas for corridor heating (not implemented).
Follow-up Energy Audit Performed by Energy Ottawa Subsidized by Natural Resources Canada Again: Assigns more than 50% of electricity to use in suites; and Suggests use of Natural Gas for heating Actions taken by CCC#81: Garage lighting upgrade; and Garage exhaust system upgraded.
Energy Demand in 2004 Since this is summertime, “Heating 59%” is more likely suite stoves, dryers
Natural Gas Feasibility Study August 8, 2011, in a report to CCC#81 by GOODKEY, WEEDMARK & ASSOCIATES Ltd “Utilizing natural gas heating vs. electric baseboards offers potential annual savings of $59,000.00” for CCC#81, assuming that the electric baseboard heaters in each residence are not used during the heating season, and that the gas-heated hot water system supplies 100% of the space heating in the residences.
GOODKEY, WEEDMARK & ASSOCIATES Ltd Study Results Note: residence usage for stoves, dishwashers, clothes dryers, lights, televisions etc. falls within that 48%
Suite Metering Feasibility The present situation The Corporation: pays for all of the energy demanded and consumed; and pays a $7/kW Demand Charge for every kW above 50 kW; and Pays $0.0065/kWh for everyone’s consumption. Suite metering will…
Reduce Consumption Charges From CCC#81 Hydro billing for year 2010: Electricity Consumption charges were (before HST) $138,000. Assigning 50% of these charges to Suites could reduce condo fees by about $69,000.
... and Reduce Demand Charges From CCC#81 billing for year 2010, “Delivery” = Demand x (sum of several charges). For January to December period, Delivery charges = $43,180 Assigning about 50% to Suites would reduce the CCC#81 bill by $21,500, without this charge appearing on Suites' billing. i.e. this will further reduce condo fees, w/o increasing owners' individual Hydro bills!
Total Fee Reduction Estimate (and with HST) “Electricity” -$69,000 “Demand” -$21,500 Sub-Total - $90,500 With HST -$102,265
Summary Suite Metering is expected to reduce owners' expenses because: CCC#81 bills will be lowered by elimination of demand charges ($7/kW) by over 50% ; Experience has shown that residents will reduce their consumption when they receive 100% of their resulting savings; and It encourages further savings by a follow-on project for suite heating by forced-air, using the already-fitted air-conditioning system. Gasification is Step 2 of the Barclay Energy Conservation Plan
Next Energy-related Project 1. Gasification for the Barclay 2. Replacement of windows /2018 (Modern glazing and window frames could lead to energy savings for residents, ranging from 20% to 50%). This will be covered by the Reserve Fund.
Owners' Funding Preference Note:The Reserve Fund cannot be used for the Suite Metering and the Gasificationprojects. To fund these projects, our options are: a Special Assessment; or a Bank Loan