Energy Security and the Future By the end of this lesson you will: Be able to describe some of the key global energy players including OPEC and a specified energy TNC. Have an understanding of the key energy issues for the future. Be aware of the concept of Peak Oil and the impact of this on energy futures.
Definitions! Vote using your provided cards for the correct definition for each of the following: Energy Security A – Having large energy reserves B – Having access to reliable and affordable energy supplies C – Having access to affordable energy supplies. VOTE NOW!
Definitions! Vote using your provided cards for the correct definition for each of the following: Secondary Energy A – Energy which can be used in its raw form. B – Primary energy which can be easily transported by tanker and pipeline. C – Primary energy which has been converted into a more convenient form. VOTE NOW!
Definitions! Vote using your provided cards for the correct definition for each of the following: Energy Demand A – Levels of energy use in a country. B – Energy consumption levels in a country. C – The need or desire for energy. VOTE NOW!
Definitions! Vote using your provided cards for the correct definition for each of the following: Energy Poverty A – Not having access to modern energy supplies. B – Not being able to afford to buy energy. C – Being unable to get enough energy to survive. VOTE NOW!
Global Energy Players? Key Global Energy Players OPEC TNCs (BP, ExxonMobil, Gazprom etc.) Oil producing nations Big oil consumers
Future Energy Uncertainty As we have seen, energy demands (mainly oil) are rising rapidly, with India and China (and other rapidly developing nations) using more plus continued growth in MEDCs. Oil supplies may be in decline – Peak Oil may have occurred in 2005 or maybe 2015 or 2020 – why the uncertainty? Energy dependency on Russia/Middle East. Geopolitics – OPEC and Russia are both able to hold the world to ransom over energy.
For each factor consider what the effect would be on global energy if (a) it went up, (b) it went down, (c) it stayed the same e.g. if China and India’s economies keep growing, slow down or stay the same
Responses to Increasing Energy Demands There are three possible future energy scenarios which will determine future energy security: 1.Business as Usual 2.Multi-Energy Solution 3.Energy Conservation TASK: 1.Using pages in the green textbook, explain what each of these scenarios mean 2.Which scenario do you think is most likely in the UK? WHY? 3.What affect might these options have on our lives?
Nuclear Power Is Nuclear power the answer our energy prayers? In pairs, prepare arguments using FACTS, DETAIL and EVIDENCE in support of your assigned viewpoint. Add these to the appropriate side of the wall at: We will then discuss this as a group.
Independent Study Task
Energy Players Summary/Recap Task: 1.Add detail to your spider diagram with details of the key energy players using your notes from last term, your energy TNC case study and the provided text books. 2.Ensure you understand the role of OPEC and oil TNCs in energy supply and how this may conflict with demands.
Independent Study You MUST complete/finalise the essay question in DEPTH. You have the weekend to finish this off so no excuses – SHAPE UP FOR STUDY. Use the weekly and its links to ensure you build on your AS successes – sadly A2 is MUCH more difficult and requires a LOT more independent study on your part. HAND IN ANY REMAINING WORK BY THE END OF THIS WEEK – VERY LAST CHANCE – REMINDERS SENT EARLIER IN THE WEEK.