WELCOME TO THIRD GRADE Tim Mills Cathy Madden Lauren Conn Ashton Slocum
Schedule 7:30 – 8:00: Arrival/Morning Work 7:50: Tiger Tidbits 8:00 – 9:30: Reading Block 9:30 – 10:30: Math Block 10:30 – 11:10: Specials 11:10 – 11:55 – Math Block Lunch: –11:45 – 12:10: Mills –11:50 – 12:15: Madden –11:55 – 12:20: Conn 12:20 – 12:50: Recess 12:50 – 1:40: Science/Social Studies 1:40 – 2:20: Interventions 2:20 – 2:30: Pack Up/Dismissal
Emergency Information & Transportation Changes Please keep us updated on all telephone and address changes in case of an emergency. We must have a written note that indicates your child’s change of transportation at the end of the day. No calls are accepted.
About Third Grade Please meet your child in the cafeteria if you want to have lunch with them School Wide Reading Assessments –Scholastic Reading Achievement (SRI) –TRC (Text Reading Comprehension) –STAR –Oral Reading Fluency Please read your child’s newsletter each week for important dates and information regarding your child’s education and behavior.
ClassScapes NHC Benchmark Testing –EOG like testing –Computer based Program –Used for NHC Benchmarks completed each quarter –Used for EOG Preparation –Reading and Math
Grading Scale This is the first year letter grades are assigned. A= B= C= D= F= >69
Homework Reading with your child every night for 20 minutes. –If your child is in yellow (some risk) or red (high risk) please have your child read out loud to you to practice fluency. Homework is sent home weekly and/or nightly depending on your child’s teacher. –This reinforces skills and lessons taught in the classroom.
Programs in Third Grade Accelerated Reader (AR) Accelerated Math (AM) Math Facts in a Flash ClassScapes –EOG like testing –Computer based Program –Used for NHC Benchmarks and teacher data
Reading Curriculum Called Common Core State Standards BIG focus on Nonfiction Reading NEW: Speaking and Listening Standards RIGOR: digging deeper into the text
Math Curriculum Called Common Core State Standards NEW: Area and Perimeter BIG FOCUS: Knowing multiplication facts BIG FOCUS: More emphasis on how to solve rather than choosing the right answer
Writing Portfolio Friendly Letter Imaginative Narrative Personal Narrative Poem Content Specific
Science Units Physical Science (Current Unit) –Force and Motion –Matter: Properties and Change –Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth Science –Earth in the Universe –Earth’s Systems, Structures, and Processes Life Science –Structures and Functions of Living Organisms –Ecosystems
End of Grade Tests May 2012 Reading Test –50 questions –5 passages Math Test –Calculator Active 1 day –Calculator Inactive 1 Day FUTURE: State End of Year tests will be on the computer, they hope, within 2 years.