Grid & Area References It can be difficult to find places or features easily on a map.
Topographic maps are large scale and we use these for Area and Grid references
So how do we locate features on a Topographic map? This BBC link details the importance of Grid References for emergency services to reach rural areas. We can locate places easily on a topographic map by using the maps gridlines. On a topographic map the vertical ( ) lines are called eastings because they increase in value as we move eastward. The horizontal ( ) lines are called northings because they increase in value as we move northwards.
Eastings Northings N
Area Reference Features such as a small lake, quarry or village are usually located by means of an Area Reference (AR) To find the (AR) of a feature we use the coordinate in the lower left-hand corner of the grid square in which the feature is located. You always read the easting first then the northing. (hint to remember E comes before N in the alphabet) An area reference always has 4 figures Into the house and up the stairs” may help you remember!! EXAMPLE: AR3363 eastingnorthing
Eastings Northings N The Area Reference of the house is: AR2317 Remember with (AR) you use the bottom left hand corner What is the (AR) for: The plane: AR2215 The boy: AR2316
Area references A Time now for a little test. FOUR squares are going to be highlighted and you have TEN seconds to write down the area reference for each square A CLICK to start..... CLICK for the next square
Area references A B CLICK for the next square B
Area references A C CLICK for the next square C B
Area references A D CLICK for the next square C B D
Area references A CLICK TO CHECK EACH ANSWER C B D A = 2238 B = 2536 C = 2235 D = 2337 How did you get on?
Grid References We can locate relatively small and more specific features on map by using Grid Reference (GR). (GR) locates the exact point on the grid. Unlike (AR), Grid Reference uses 6 figures. - The first two numbers of each coordinate refers to the eastings and northings that surround the map. - The third number needed to complete each coordinate is obtained by dividing each easting and northing into tenths. Example: GR eastingnorthing Dividing the easting and northing into tenths
Eastings Northing N What is the grid reference (GR) for the ball in which the boy is about to catch? Answer: GR238169
Come up to the Interactive White Board
Compass Directions F A B GC H E I D J N E S W NWNE SE SW What direction are you walking ? DFHIJG AC EBA
Interactives zone/PagesHomeworkHelp/maptivity/gridr eferences/ zone/PagesHomeworkHelp/maptivity/gridr eferences/ o.htm o.htm
CLASS EXERCISE Give the (AR) for the following features: 1.Church; 2.Village Hall; 3.Grove farm; 4.The dairy farm; 5.The town of Little Plumpton; 6.The entire (AR)’s for Gibbet Wood; 7.The (AR)’s that Dale Road passes through; 8.The approximate (GR) of Grove farm.
Interactives sources/map1.htmhttp:// sources/map1.htm sources/map1b.htmhttp:// sources/map1b.htm