Celine DONDEYNAZ, Joint Research Centre- Italy A. Leone, C. Carmona, P. Mainardi, M.Giacomassi and Prof. Daoyi Chen A Web knowledge Management Platform for development cooperation in the water Sector: AquaKnow.net Vienna – EGU – 3-8 April
2 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Presentation Structure 1. Introduction 2. System description 1.Technical development 2.Content collection and organization 3.Collaborative/community work 4.Web GIS Module 3. Needs Identification and response 1.Consultation process 2.Strategic response
3 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Knowledge MANAGEMENT* = Communication Transferring and leveraging knowledge 1.Introduction Knowledge Capturing, extracting and organizing Information + *Levine et al Is there a need for the water sector? How could the sector benefit of the Web technologies?
4 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Introduction Water sector Definition As for Water sector we intend a wide community of stakeholders participating in the creation, management, implementation… of any elements necessary to deliver WSS services and/or to manage water resources Various types of stakeholders: institutional, private sector, civil society… At various scales: national/political, municipal, local, transboundary scales… At various levels : research, strategy, implementation, basin management, technics… =
5 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Technical development Technical characteristics (OS CMS) Open Source DRUPAL Content Management System selection over 30 CMS because of the following advantages: - flexibility - extendibility thanks to the DRUPAL wide community - coding quality - Standards based - Knowledge tools in core functionalities - Third party integration - Cloud computing ready - Ease to use for all user roles …
6 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Technical development Why such a requisite ? : OS CMS - Costs free - Open access of the coding enabling direct development and customization - Open source community support - better OWNERSHIP and technical development management + fits with developing countries conditions
7 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Content collection and organization A/ Make searchable data – tools – and knowledge available online on water issues DIRECT contribution of USER = first-hand information NO DUPLICATION -> make knowledge searchable and collect offline information Databases and tools already Online –Trainings and Universities providing courses related to water –Raw data links related to water issues –National meteorological/hydrological services (contacts) –… linguistic tools, GIS studies, handbooks… Use & SharePRINCIPLE
8 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Community – Collaborative work 2. Provide space for collaborative work and networking for water professionals Direct exchanges – working space and collaborative facilities Features and advantages: - Visibility on the Web - EASY and OPEN - Repository of various types of information - Discussion facilities - Privacy control
9 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Web- GIS module integration Ongoing development - Not yet Online Drupal 6 GIS Module integration Raw Data = Content type as others
10 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April WHY ? The web platform has been developed as such?
11 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Consultation HOW needs were identified? Informal group of around 145 experts worldwide e-conference to identify need and opportunities Conclusions - As information access and knowledge transfer is fundamental requesting Joint action of Water community - A common approach to the water sector is needed - user shaped solution, even maybe more chaotic, are likely to work than top down or artificially created solutions Identified Issues ISSUE 1: hardware/software facilities ISSUE 2: involving more partners and users
12 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Strategic response Water sector constraints -Numerous Stakeholders : various level of decision and action -Fragmented information -Complex data: basic types up to models, GIS… Custom WEB- based knowledge management tool Content Management System (CMS) requirements - Open source software - User generated content - User friendliness interface Water Community Needs - User shape solution -Collaborative work/networking/learning tools
13 Contact: Vienna – EGU – 6 April Thanks for your attention