Hanoi, January 29th 2015 Marco Micotti DEI – Politecnico di Milano IMRR Project INTEGRATED AND SUSTAINABLE WATER MANAGEMENT OF RED-THAI BINH RIVER SYSTEM IN A CHANGING CLIMATE 15. Red River Geoportal
IMRR phases econnaissance odeling the system ndicators identification cenarios definition lternative design valuation R M I S A E omparison C
Accessing IMRR information At the end of the IMRR project.. 1.Model of all components 2.~ 100 alternatives selected 3.time series of all state/output variables 4.XX indicators for 5 sectors computed for each alternative; 5.Future climate and socio-economic scenarios 6.…. How to access and exploit all this information?
IMRR phases econnaissance odeling the system ndicators identification cenarios definition lternative design valuation R M I S A E omparison C
Geoportal Key ideas: 1.An effective and not-technical approach to the knowledge base of the project 2.Take advantage of the spatial distribution of components to improve the use of IMRR project outcomes
Geoportal Key ideas: 1.An effective and not-technical approach to the knowledge base of the project 2.Take advantage of the spatial distribution of components to improve the use of IMRR project outcomes
Ge Maps and GIS data Models Gauged time series Simulations output
Ge Maps and GIS data Models Gauged time series Simulations output
Ge Maps and GIS data Models Time series (gauged and simulated) Simulations output
Ge GIS data Models Time series gauged, simulated Criteria and indicators
Ge GIS data Models Time series gauged, simulated Criteria and indicators PostGis, Geoserver, Openlayers TwoLe, Octave Postgres, IstSOS, Octave DRUPALDRUPAL
Geoportal structure Maps and GIS data Models Gauged time series Simulations output PostGis, Geoserver, Openlayers TwoLe, Octave Postgres, IstSOS Postgres, IstSOS, Octave DRUPAL CMS, unified access and management of all services, user management,
How to use it? The IMRR Geoportal can fit several needs both for the access, combine and use all informations collected and managed by IMRR project. Some typical question, the Geoportal will be able to reply to: Which are the effects on Floods (or Water supply, Environment..) sector of a specific alternative? Which is the trajectory of reservoirs levels of a specific alternative in a specific year? Given a different inflow scenario, which will be the level at Hanoi? For a specific alternative, which are the effect in term of general water deficit and how is it distributed in the system? 2
Appunti per la navigazione all'interno del sito Geoportal contents can be browsed trough 2 ways: Using the project hierachy, where all the sectors have been detailed into criteria and indicators Using the map, panning, zooming or searching On the map, we find 2 marker type: “component”, “sector” Aside from the map, is possible to access two more pages, useful to compare charts and to monitor a set of indicator or charts related to different sectors or component. (see examples)
Geoportal structure Model implementation Historical data Simulations output PostGis, Geoserver, Openlayers TwoLe, Octave Postgres, IstSOS Postgres, IstSOS, Octave Maps and GIS data Content publishing and management Drupal, D3/Javascript Flexible, Scalable Open source ALPHA version!
Water supply Rice fields in Ninh Binh Criteria: Satisfy water needs in order to ensure agricultural production and guarantee other water uses 18
Flood control Criteria: Minimize flood damages at Hanoi and all over the Delta region Long Bien, Hanoi 19
Hydropower Criteria: Minimize the deficit of energy from the Red River Plants, especially in the periods in which the thermal production is higher Son La dam 20
Navigation Criteria: Minimize navigation interruption Minimize dredging costs 21
River Environment Criteria: Preserve and improve river environment quality 22
Thanks for your attention XIN CẢM ƠN 23