GBIF Mid Term Meetings 2011 Biodiversity Data Portals for GBIF Participants: The NPT Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) 3 rd May 2011
The BIF Building Package Welcome BoxStart Up Kit Advanced Kit Nodes Portal Toolkit
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
A suite of tools
Imagine... Nicely packaged & presented
Imagine... Enabling the technical teams of biodiversity data networks & facilities
Imagine... To easily deploy biodiversity data portals at the national, regional or thematic level
Imagine these portals... Fully integrated to the GBIF Informatics Infrastructure
Imagine these portals... Support informed decision making, facilitate development of an integrative biodiversity science, or simply as a window to disseminate data, information and knowledge about natural systems in a specific context Customised access (language, layout, focus, etc.) In response to specific end user needs biodiversity data + relevant contextual data + information products & services
Such suite of tools is the Nodes Portal Toolkit (NPT)
Why the NPT?
Limited integration with informatics components and services provided by GBIF Many GBIF Participants have no portals at all, others have portals with outdated or very limited functionality
2001 GBIF is established 2003 Participant Nodes identify the development of “custom portals” as a priority It is insufficient for addressing specific needs and requirements at the GBIF Participant level is great for many uses The new GBIF Data Portal is launched
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
2001 GBIF is established The Nodes Committee and the GBIFS re-assess the need for the NPT It’s agreed that the NPT should be a community-led development
What does it mean to be a community-led development?
GBIF Participant Nodes Design Programming Testing Deployment Promotion Evaluation Requirements capture NPT development cycle
GBIF Participant Nodes – Project leaders including supervision, implementation and assessment Strategic Partners – contribute code for the NPT development also deploy & promote the NPT GBIF Secretariat – facilitator & promoter interoperability with GBIF’s informatics infrastructure, start-up funds
Risks Dependencies Slower Commitment Ownership Sustainable As a community development Leverage existing capacity & resources Promote sharing of knowledge & expertise
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
2001 GBIF is established The NPT Project Coordinator is hired and an Advisory Group established
2001 GBIF is established A group of NPT Development Partners will be convened NPT Project Coordinator NPT Advisory Group
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
F unctionality - Feature set, Capabilities, Generality, Security U sability - Human factors, Aesthetics, Consistency, Documentation R eliability - Frequency/severity of failure, Recoverability, Predictability, Accuracy, Mean time to failure P erformance - Speed, Efficiency, Resource consumption, Throughput, Response time S upportability - Testability, Extensibility, Adaptability, Maintainability, Compatibility, Configurability, Serviceability, Installability, Localizability, Portability FURPS+ A model for classifying software attributes (functional & non-functional requirements)
Technical teams (SysAdmin, Portal manager, WebMaster, Database admin) BIF management (Node Manager, HoD, BIF stakeholders) Biodiversity data users (Data publishers, researchers, decision makers, educators, citizen scientists, etc. )
Some of the desired features… Free and open source Modular and extensible Simple to install, configure and maintain Multilingual Cross-platform Once deployed, intuitive and friendly end-user interface Well documented, community support Robust and consistent data flows
Primary data Checklists Taxonomy Metadata Controlled vocabularies Geospatial Species pages Portal admin Modules Option 1. Portable functionality – multiple CMS Option 2. Integrated package – specific CMS framework (e.g. Drupal)
Local index NPT based data portal GBIF index Data publishers External data sources
Q Requirements capture – agreed doc Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Development partners Coding camps GB18 Milestones 2011
Q NPT core functionality developed Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q NPT Beta testing First NPT demo portals deployed NPT Release 1 launched at GB19 Milestones 2012
Q Deployment plan rolled out Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Enhanced functionality & integration New NPT-based portals showcased at GB20 Milestones 2012
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
Killer application? Web presence is essential for BIFs More GBIF Participants have functional data portals Increased usefulness, expanded end-user audiences Key contribution to GBIF Strategic Imperatives More visibility Tangible benefits - incentives More people have access to GBIF- mediated data and services Overall network engagement & ownership
Concept Approach Team Process & timelines Expected impacts Questions for the NSG and SC Outline
For the Science Committee – Which kind of specific NPT functionality to address end user needs at the Participant level should be considered? – How to ensure that the NPT deployed portals are complementary to the global data portal? For the Nodes Steering Group – How to ensure active engagement from Participant Nodes in the early testing and uptake of the NPT? – How to leverage in a more effective way the Participants’ capacity and resources in contribution to the NPT development?