Thematic Studies In Bible Basics. Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative.


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Presentation transcript:

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics

Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative by claims He made re: Himself Jn 7: :42-50 As the “Apostle and High Priest of our confession” Jesus has the right to speak with authority Heb 3:1

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative by claims He made re: man’s destiny Our eternal destiny depends on our reaction to His claims about being the Messiah Lk 12:8-9 We are either “wise” or “foolish” based on how we respond to what He says, teaches Mt 7:24, 26

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative by the inherent nature of His works His works bear witness to His identity Jn 5:36 He could heal and forgive Mt 9:1-8 Both were easy for Him to do Both are hard (impossible) for man to do

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of Jesus Christ Authoritative by the inherent nature of His works His disciples are to believe His association with the Father based on these works Jn 14:10-11 The purpose of these “works” is to produce within man enough faith in that he accepts Jesus as the Messiah Jn 20:30-31

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles Some claim, “I only read the red letters in the N.T.” Such thinking denies the important role the apostles play under the 2nd Covenant and man’s redemption Jesus didn’t personally teach all the truth while on the earth Jn 16:12 cp. Acts 1:6 Lk 24:21

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles Here’s how this “deficiency” on the part of the apostles was later resolved The Holy Spirit would later teach “all things”… bring these things to the apostles’ remembrance Jn 14:25-26 The Holy Spirit would bear additional witness of Christ, offer more testimony Jn 15:26

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles Here’s how this “deficiency” on the part of the apostles was later resolved The Holy Spirit would later guide the 12 apostles into “all truth” Jn 16:7-11, 13 The apostles were given the words the Father gave to Jesus Jn 17:8, 14

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles Some important points to keep in mind… Notice the phrases “all things” (Jn 14:26) & “all truth” (Jn 16:13) did not occur until after the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles Even the Holy Spirit did not act on His own authority… He was submissive to the Father’s will Jn 16:13b

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles The “process” to which Jesus refers is described in 1 Cor 2:1-16 God’s “hidden wisdom” in a “mystery” was spoken v. 7 These things that God prepared for man were searched out by the Spirit in the mind of God, then later revealed to the apostles vv. 9-12

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles The “process” to which Jesus refers is described in 1 Cor 2:1-16 The apostles then “spoke” as well as wrote truth revealed to them v. 13 cp. Eph 3:3-4 Man must be “spiritual” and not “natural” to properly understand authoritative Divine truth vv

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics Lesson 6 Ù Biblical Authority (Part A) The Authority Of Christ, His Apostles The Authority of The Apostles What has been revealed to the apostles was not known in “other generations” Eph 3:5 A reference to days of the 1st Covenant Ù pp Previous generations did not have access to what has now been revealed to the apostles cp. Mt 13: Pet 1:6-12

Thematic Studies In Bible Basics