October 20th, 2006 C. Gatto 1 4 th Concept Software Status Report.


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Presentation transcript:

October 20th, 2006 C. Gatto 1 4 th Concept Software Status Report

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto2 ILCroot: a summary of features CERN architecture (based on Alice’s Aliroot) CERN architecture (based on Alice’s Aliroot) Full support provided by Brun, Carminati, Ferrari, et al. Full support provided by Brun, Carminati, Ferrari, et al. Uses ROOT as infrastructure Uses ROOT as infrastructure All ROOT tools are available (I/O, graphics, PROOF, data structure, etc) All ROOT tools are available (I/O, graphics, PROOF, data structure, etc) Extremely large community of users/developers Extremely large community of users/developers Four MDC have proven robustness, and reliability and portability Four MDC have proven robustness, and reliability and portability

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto3

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto4 The Virtual Montecarlo Concept Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo Virtual MC provides a virtual interface to Monte Carlo It decouples the dependence of a user code on a concrete MC It decouples the dependence of a user code on a concrete MC It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs It allows to run the same user application with all supported Monte Carlo programs The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time The concrete Monte Carlo (Geant3, Geant4, Fluka) is selected and loaded at run time

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto5 VMC Advantages It allows the comparison between Geant3 Geant4 and Fluka using the same geometry and data structure (QA) It allows the comparison between Geant3 Geant4 and Fluka using the same geometry and data structure (QA) You can generate and simulate different events with different MC’s and merge the digits You can generate and simulate different events with different MC’s and merge the digits Example: Example: Geant4 for signal event Geant4 for signal event Fluka for beam background Fluka for beam background digitization

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto6 TGenerator Concept TGenerator is an abstract base class It interfaces ROOT and the various event generators (thanks to inheritance) Possible to study Full events (event by event) Single processes Mixture of both (“Cocktail events”) Generation of Cocktail of different processes Rate and weighting control Allow easy mixing of signal and background More than a dozen Generators built-in More than a dozen Generators built-in

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto7 ILCroot Strategy: Modularity ILCroot Building Block: The Detector Class ILCroot Building Block: The Detector Class Detector-centric approach (vs Processor- centric) Detector-centric approach (vs Processor- centric) Main policy: each detector is responsible for its code & data Main policy: each detector is responsible for its code & data Cross-modules calls are not allowed Cross-modules calls are not allowed Easy to work for groups across many countries Easy to work for groups across many countries Allow for several versions of the same detector or several detector of the same kind (ex. TPC & DCH) Allow for several versions of the same detector or several detector of the same kind (ex. TPC & DCH)

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto8 The Detector Class Both sensitive modules (detectors) and non-sensitive ones are described by this base class. Both sensitive modules (detectors) and non-sensitive ones are described by this base class. This class must support: This class must support: Geometry description Geometry description Event display Event display Simulation by the MC Simulation by the MC Digitization Digitization Pattern recognition Pattern recognition Local reconstruction Local reconstruction Local PiD Local PiD Calibration Calibration QA QA Data from the above tasks Data from the above tasks Several versions of the same detector are possible (choose at run time) Several versions of the same detector are possible (choose at run time)

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto9 Coordinating the Detectors Detector stand alone (Detector Objects) Detector stand alone (Detector Objects) Each detector executes a list of detector actions/tasks Each detector executes a list of detector actions/tasks On demand actions are possible but not the default On demand actions are possible but not the default Detector level trigger, simulation and reconstruction are implemented as clients of the detector classes Detector level trigger, simulation and reconstruction are implemented as clients of the detector classes Detectors collaborate (Global Objects) Detectors collaborate (Global Objects) One or more Global objects execute a list of actions involving objects from several detectors One or more Global objects execute a list of actions involving objects from several detectors Data are exchanged using a whiteboard techinque Data are exchanged using a whiteboard techinque The Run Manager The Run Manager executes the detector objects in the order of the list executes the detector objects in the order of the list Global trigger, simulation and reconstruction are special services controlled by the Run Manager class Global trigger, simulation and reconstruction are special services controlled by the Run Manager class The Offline configuration is built at run time by executing a ROOT macro The Offline configuration is built at run time by executing a ROOT macro

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto10 Software Status Bangalore version of ILCroot frozen (and dismissed) Bangalore version of ILCroot frozen (and dismissed) Most of the algorithms are OK Most of the algorithms are OK Too much hard-coding in the reconstruction Too much hard-coding in the reconstruction Only DREAM and EMCAL geometry are 4 th Concept’s realistic Only DREAM and EMCAL geometry are 4 th Concept’s realistic Calorimeter response has some troubles Calorimeter response has some troubles Stable version: OK for training Stable version: OK for training

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto11 Status of ILCroot: Framework Framework upgraded to last CERN version (4.04.rev.06, Aug. 2006) Framework upgraded to last CERN version (4.04.rev.06, Aug. 2006) Fluka, Geant3 and Geant4 interface work smoothly (special derogation obtained for Fluka from CERN) (V. Di Benedetto) Fluka, Geant3 and Geant4 interface work smoothly (special derogation obtained for Fluka from CERN) (V. Di Benedetto) GDML interface added (thanks to R. Brun) GDML interface added (thanks to R. Brun)

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto12 Status of ILCroot: TPC (F. Ignatov) New TPC for DCR implemented New TPC for DCR implemented All passive materials from Alice (walls, support, electronics, cable, cage, etc.) All passive materials from Alice (walls, support, electronics, cable, cage, etc.) Gas: Ar-CF4 97%-3% (from M. Ronan, V. Lepeltier) Gas: Ar-CF4 97%-3% (from M. Ronan, V. Lepeltier) Readout: Readout: 5 layers of Micromegas (from. P. Colas) 5 layers of Micromegas (from. P. Colas) 2 chip/layer -> 512 pixels 2 chip/layer -> 512 pixels 55 mm pitch 55 mm pitch 150 layer of pads 150 layer of pads Pad Inner: Width 0.23 cm Length 0.42 cm Pad Inner: Width 0.23 cm Length 0.42 cm Pad Outer1: Width 0.34 cm Length 0.56 cm Pad Outer1: Width 0.34 cm Length 0.56 cm Pad Outer2: Width 0.34 cm Length 0.85 cm Pad Outer2: Width 0.34 cm Length 0.85 cm All the gas-related Physics is simulated (diffusion, finite pad size, noise, etc.). Electronics is not. All the gas-related Physics is simulated (diffusion, finite pad size, noise, etc.). Electronics is not.

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto13 Status of ILCroot: DREAM (V. Di Benedetto) Geometry completed. (including Endcaps). Two versions available: 1 m and 1.5 m Geometry completed. (including Endcaps). Two versions available: 1 m and 1.5 m Easily switch from Cu to W (however, need to change calibration values of  S and  C ) Easily switch from Cu to W (however, need to change calibration values of  S and  C ) 2 months spent with CERN people trying to fix G3/G4/Fluka issues. 2 months spent with CERN people trying to fix G3/G4/Fluka issues. Fluka seems working fine. We will be using it for Valencia and DCR. Fluka seems working fine. We will be using it for Valencia and DCR. First studies will be out next week (after calibration processes are completed) First studies will be out next week (after calibration processes are completed)

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto14 Status of ILCroot: Muon Spectrometer (E. Cavallo, G. Terracciano) DoD geometry is completed DoD geometry is completed ESA’s CAD2GDML converter not ready -> positioning tubes using TGeo (root) ESA’s CAD2GDML converter not ready -> positioning tubes using TGeo (root) Hits + Event Display will be ready for Valencia Hits + Event Display will be ready for Valencia Full tracking (with hits smearing) hopefully ready for final DCR studies (Jan. 2007?) Full tracking (with hits smearing) hopefully ready for final DCR studies (Jan. 2007?)

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto15 Status of ILCroot: Tracking (F. Ignatov) New code with maximum parametrization New code with maximum parametrization However, still depends on layout (planar vs circular layer) However, still depends on layout (planar vs circular layer) VXD being incorporated (need to adjust for the materials in the new SiDmay06 version) VXD being incorporated (need to adjust for the materials in the new SiDmay06 version) Barrel only for Valencia. Endcap will be included for the DCR studies Barrel only for Valencia. Endcap will be included for the DCR studies

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto16 More Issues VXD VXD See Anna’s talk See Anna’s talk PID PID Only in the DREAM module Only in the DREAM module Magnetic Field Magnetic Field New B-field maps for extended DREAM (E. Cavallo) New B-field maps for extended DREAM (E. Cavallo) Will add SiD map for our cooperative studies (M. Demarteau) Will add SiD map for our cooperative studies (M. Demarteau) Generators and Physics Studies Generators and Physics Studies See Anna’s talk See Anna’s talk Background Studies Background Studies Bob Kutschke & Daniele Barbareschi Bob Kutschke & Daniele Barbareschi

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto17 Conclusions Work is proceeding quickly Work is proceeding quickly Many thanks to Marcel for his large support Many thanks to Marcel for his large support Good collaboration with FNAL being established Good collaboration with FNAL being established We are planning to strenghten that next year We are planning to strenghten that next year

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto18 Backup slides

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto19 Processing Flow RecParticle Tracks DREAM Hits SDigits Digits RecPoints VTX Detector stand alone tasks Tracks RecPoints Tracks TPC Detectors collaborate Hits SDigits VTX Underlying event Signal event Merging

October 20th, 2006C. Gatto20 LCIO vs MONARC MC Generation  Energy Deposits in Detector Digitization  Tracker Hits Track Finding  Tracks Track Fitting  Track Parameters MC Generation  Energy Deposits in Detector SDigitization  Detector response from single particle Digitization  Detector response combined Pattern Recognition  Recpoints Track Finding  Tracks Track Fitting  Track Parameters