ANU is a strategic endowment for the nation. ANU is an education-intensive research institute of international distinction. Research profile drives academic profile. Our academic profile is driven by what is important for Australia and its place in the world: the issues, topics and disciplines that are in the long-term national interest. Our standards – in research and education – are consistent with the highest in the world.
We improve our standards through rigorous international benchmarking with selected peer universities. We use our scale, our campus and our characteristics to maximise advantage to staff and students. We enhance our scope through selective international partnerships and meet our commitment to the nation through selective national partnerships. Student growth will be at postgraduate level (to 50% of the student profile) with Doctoral students comprising 25%.
ANU staff and students engage with government, business and the broader community to inform and inspire, and use their intellectual capital to produce wider benefits to society. Our Alumni are an important source of advice and support for the University. Next steps
RESEARCH Principal goals Driving up quality Recruitment and retention Resource building Longer term research planning Increased HDR numbers Cross College collaboration Internationalize Gender balancing
RESEARCH Near term imperatives Academic profiles ERA Sharpen the planning process Secure ASI funding (half complete) Greater gearing from NICTA collaboration Public and Private sector engagement for resource building (linkage plus) New positions/ Sponsored chair NBT (Materials Bio-engineering, super-sensing?)
EDUCATION Principal goals Arrest decline Computer Science numbers Enhance Infrastructure Align undergraduate programs with private and public sector requirements New route ways Blended delivery Linking research and education New and attractive Masters programs Unified HDR program Quality assurance
EDUCATION Near term imperatives Computer Science marketing strategy Re-equipment and upgrading of engineering labs Alignment of education and research Alignment with public and private sectors Development of Professional masters courses (joint) Implement H&S Internships External program review (National and International) Cross –College initiatives Sharpen planning (inc financial)
COMMUNITY Overt public and private sector engagement Recruit business development manager Summer schools for Engineering and Computer Science educators, School visits, competitions Women in industry HDR poster day (CBC) Solar (New building) Innovation and policy Greater reach - Global