Group Sam, Jordan, Kelsey, and Emi
Christianity Originates in the Middle East (Israel). Jesus and the 12 Apostles are some of Christianity’s leaders. The Holy Book is the Bible. Major beliefs in Christianity include the Resurrection and that there is only one God. Paul and other missionaries had spread Christianity throughout the ME. The cross and fish are famous Christian symbols.
Hinduism Hinduism is the world’s third largest religion after Christianity and Islam. The Vedas are the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism, originating in ancient India. People who follow Hinduism believe in Samsara, the continuing cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth. They also believe in the Dharma, which is one’s righteous duty. They also believed in the Karma, which is action and subsequent reaction, and Moksha, which is liberation from Samsara. They believed in the following Gods: Brahma- creator of the universe Vishnu- preserver of the universe. Shiva- God of Destruction The three gods represent the three fundamental powers of nature- creation, maintenance, and destruction.
Islam is a Monotheistic, Abrahamic religion Islam originate d from the teachings of the Islamic prophet Mohammed. The word “Islam” means submission or the total surrender of one’s self to God. A person who studies the religion is known as a Muslim. The star and crescent are well- known Islamic symbols, being on the national flags of both Turkey and Pakistan.
Judaism Originated in the Middle East and Israel. The leaders were Abraham and Moses The writings were the Torah, also known as the Old Testament. They are monotheists, their god is Yahweh. This picture shows the Star of David and a Menorah during Hanukkah.
Buddhism Four Noble Truths 1) suffering exists. 2) suffering arises from attachment to desire. 3) Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases. Eightfold Path Wisdom (panna) Mortality (sila) Meditation (smadhi) Factors of Enlightment Mindfulness, Investigation, Energy, Rapture, Tranquillity, Concentration, Equanimity, Perfections, Generosity, Mortality, Renunciation, Wisdom, Patience, Truthfulness, resolution, and Loving-Kindness.
The Buddha statue is very commonly associated with Buddhism. It show Buddha, a person who achieved the spiritual state of Bodhi. Translated into English, Bodhi means Enlightment or awakening.