Judaism, Christianity and Islam Unit 2
Judaism History One of the oldest religions- 4,000 years old Abraham and his descendants were monotheistic and are considered the fathers of Judaism Moses led the Israelites out of slavery and received the 10 commandments from a message from God The 10 commandments were the beginning of the Torah (5 books written by Moses with God’s instruction) Israelites wandered for 40 years until they returned to Jerusalem Jerusalem, Israel is the holiest location for Jews today
Major Beliefs of Jews There is only one God and God provides standards of right and wrong that people should follow. Treat others well. The Hebrew Bible contains broad principles such as “Be kind to strangers” and “Love your neighbor” as well as specific instructions to ensure others are treated fairly. Honor the Sabbath. Judaism teaches that Jews should spend one day a week, the Sabbath, focusing on things other than work and material concerns.
Major beliefs of Jews Pray. Judaism teaches that people can communicate with God through prayer. Study. Judaism teaches that studying the Hebrew Bible and other Jewish texts leads to wisdom and good deeds. Israel is Judaism’s most important spiritual center. Most of the events in sacred Jewish scripture occurred there. Judaism’s most sacred sites are there, including Jerusalem, which is its holiest city and the site where the Jewish Temple once stood.
Important people in Judaism Israelites - Descendants of modern day Jews Abraham - first Israelite Moses - Prophet, rescued Israelites from Egypt King Saul - 1 st Israelite King Kind David - Made Jerusalem the capital King Solomon - Built the first temple (later destroyed by Babylonians)
History of Christianity Jesus was a Jew who started teaching a new religion based off of Jewish teachings Began when Jesus died, approximately 33 A.D. After Jesus’s death by the Jews, Apostles continued to preach and spread the message of Jesus 313 A.D. Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity the official religion on the Roman Empire The Bible was written by the 12 apostles inspired by Jesus and God
Major Beliefs in Christianity Monotheistic Jesus is the Son of God and died for your forgiveness of sin God is the creator Judgment Day Communion Baptism
Important people in Christianity Jesus - Son of God, Messiah 12 apostles - Men who worked with Jesus and spread Christianity when he died Apostle Paul- Missionary that spread Christianity immediately after Jesus’s death Emperor Constantine- Made Christianity the official religion of Roman Empire
Divisions of Christianity CatholicismOrthodoxProtestant Baptist, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Presbyterian Methodist Pentecostal Assembly of God
History of Islam Muhammad born in 570 A.D. Muhammad began preaching Islam about 613 A.D. Began in 622 A.D. when Muhammad went to Medina Muhammad died in 632 A.D.
5 pillars of Islam Pray - Muslims must pray 5 times a day facing the direction of Mecca Belief in Allah - Monotheistic and that Muhammad is his prophet Hajj - Must visit Mecca and the Ka’ba once in their life Chairty - must give to the poor Fasting - Give up food for purification (holy month of Ramadan)
This is the Ka’bah in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia Muslims make the hajj to this location
Division within Islam After Muhammad’s death, Muslims couldn’t agree on who should be caliph A division occurred creating the Sunnis and Shiites Sunnis believe that the caliph after Muhammad’s death was Abu Bakr. Bakr was not a blood relative of Muhammad’s. This means that caliphs today do not have to be descended from Muhammad Shiites believe that the first caliph was Ali Talib, Muhammad’s cousin. Shiites believe that caliph must be a blood relative of Muhammad 90% of Muslims are Sunni