IDP - Targets Sl No DeliverablesBaseli ne By Project Closing Achieved Till Now Revised Target 1 No. of students registered for a. Masters programme b. Doctoral programme Revenue from externally funded R&D projects and consultancies in total revenue (Rs: in lacs) Nil ( ) 30 3No. of publications in referred journals a. National b. International Campus placement rate of a. UG Students b. PG Students 42.7% NA 90% 75% 83.9% 43.58% 90% 75%
IDP - Targets Sl No DeliverablesBaseli ne By Project Closing Achieved Till Now Revised Target 4Average salary of placement package for ( Rs. in lacs) a. UG Students b. PG Students 3.2 NA No. of collaborative programmes with Industry Nil Accreditation Status NilAll UG and PG 3 UG (SAR Submitted) 4 UG +1PG 7 Vacancy position for faculty and staff 15.78% Zero 8 Percentage of regular faculty having a PG degree or a doctorate degree in Engg. discipline PG - 33 Ph.D - 5 PG - 44 Ph.D - 10 PG - 41 Ph.D – 13 PG – 100% Ph.D - 18
IDP - Targets Sl No DeliverablesBaseli ne % By Project Closing Achieved Till Now Revised Target 9Transition rate from 1 st to 2 nd year for the following (In Percentage) a.All students b.SC students c.OBC students d.Women students Autonomy Status University has forwarded application to UGC 11Enrollment of faculty with only Bachelor degree for qualification upgradation %
Governance Development Plan GECBH has developed Strategic and Governance Plan with the technical support from MBA Department, College of Engineering, Thiruvananthapuram Organized three workshops involving faculty, students and experts from various fields. BoG Approved the Draft of Governance Development Plan
Accreditation e-SAR submitted for the following courses – B.Tech. in Information Technology – B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication – B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering Application for Accreditation for the following courses are planned during – B.Tech. in Electrical and Electronics – M.Tech. in Network Engineering
Performance Audit PIP REF PERFORMANCE PROFILEGRADES Component 1: Improving the quality of education in selected institutions 1.1 Strengthening institutions to improve learning outcomes and employability of graduates Scaling-up postgraduate education and demand- driven research and development and innovation Establishing Centres of excellence Not applicable 1.4 Faculty development for effective teaching (pedagogical training) 2 Component 2: Improving system management 2.1Capacity building to strengthen management Implementation of good governance2 2.2Project management, monitoring and evaluation2
Statutory Audit Sl No.ObservationsSteps Taken 1 Disallowance of honorarium to the staff of GECB under FSD Recouped the amount and credited to the TEQIP account. 2 Joint review meeting expense : The expense for conducting the first joint Review Meeting was shared from TEQIP fund of GEC Barton Hill. Steps were taken to obtain the amount from SPFU 3 Deduction of TDS of TEQIP Staff The total income of the MIS Officer during the year 2013 – 14 was below rupees 2 Lakhs 4 Four Funds: The college maintains “four funds” but annual contributions are not made. The internal revenue generated through TEQIP activities was less than 0.5% of annual total recurring expenditure.
Expenditure Details Sl No.Head of ExpenditureProject Allotment (In Lakhs) Expenditure (In Lakhs) 1Procurement, Minor Civil Works Teaching Assistantship Faculty & Staff Development R & D IIIC Capacity Development Reforms Student Support Incremental Operating Cost TOTAL Total Uses (including Advance) Amount Received750 % of Expenditure96.63 GEC Barton Hill9
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