Organic Farming in Romanian in Rural Development Program Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development.


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Presentation transcript:

Organic Farming in Romanian in Rural Development Program Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development

Contents History of the organic farming in Romania Current status in figures DestinationDestination Subsidies 2004, 2005 Supporting activities Strategy for the future

ROMANIA Geographical position : Longitude (E): 20° 15´ 44´´ – 29° 41´ 24´´ Latitude (N): 43° 37´ 07´´ – 48° 15´ 06´´

Agriculture area: 14’836’546 ha - arable area: 9’398’500 ha - pastures: 3’424’000 ha - meadows: 1’513’600 ha - vineyards: 259’600 ha - orchards: 240’900 ha Forest area: 6’388’000 ha Waters area: 888’280 ha Other areas: 1’726’274 ha

Organic Farming in Figures (1) 2005 estimated

Processed Organic Products 2005 estimated


Objectives promote the introduction and continued use of agricultural practices that are environmentally-friendly and which are going beyond the Good Farming Practices; develop practical experiences, skills and abilities for implementing agri-environment measures, at both administrative and farming level; enhance the environmental awareness of farmers. Pre accession support SAPARD Measure 3. 3,, Agricultural production methods designed to protect the environment and maintain the countryside”

Pre accession support Sub-measures: A: Preservation of soil and protection against erosion B: Preservation of biodiversity through traditional agricultural practices C: Organic farming

Objectives Organic farming (sub-measures) Support and increase the competitiveness of organic farming Support the development of organic farming as an environmentally- friendly method of food production in five selected pilot areas Satisfy the growing demand for organic products and promote the development of a domestic market

Pilot areas

natural pastures The organic farming sub measure cover the following crops Vegetables Conversion period 329 €/ha/year certificated situation 273 €/ha/year Fruits Conversion period 320 €/ha/year- Certificated situation 181 €/ha/year Aromatic and medicinal plants conversion period 287 €/ha/year certificated situation 190 €/ha/year fodder crops (eg: forage barley) Conversion period -35 €/ha/year Certificated situation28 €/ha/year Certificated situation 28 €/ha/year conversion period 123 €/ha/year certificated situation92 €/ha/year certificated situation92 €/ha/year

Post accession support National Agri-Environment Programme (NAEP) for Romania ( ) Proposed schemes Training scheme Organic farm scheme High Nature Value Farmland Scheme Endangered breeds and varieties Scheme

Supporting activities  Consulting  Information materials  Training and education  Research - financial allocation for the research and development of organic farming - setting out of priorities for research and development of organic farming

Institutions Involved  National Agency for Agriculture Consulting (NAAC)  Association for Consumers Protection  30 NGOs associations for environment protection and organic farming  The Academy for Agriculture and Forestry Sciences  Universities

Strategy for the Future  Domestic organic market development  Implementing the organic production rules  Implementing the organic inspection rules  Increasing the organic farming areas to at least 200,000 ha in 2007  Organic farming - future engine of sustainable development of the Romanian agriculture