Ingredients: 1. Tomato sauce 2. Garlic sauce 3. Red pepper (sliced) 4. Mushrooms (sliced) 5. Onion (chopped) 6. Ready-made pizza base 7. Three pieces of meat 8. Black olives 9. Cheese
First we must knead pizza base.
Next we form it to circle.
After that we must pour the tomato sauce on the base.
Next we need to add our onion.
After that we must add meat.
Next we add mushrooms.
After we must add red pepper, black olives and cheese.
At the end we need to put our piza to the oven.
Bake about thirty minutes.
Our pizza is ready to serve.
Wykonali: Dawid Rosi ń ski I Bartek Nowicki Kl. VIc