P HYLUM A NNELLIDA Phylum Annellida Classification Contain circular rounded long body (bilaterally symmetrical) Segmented Has no respiratory organs Has a closed circulatory system
D IGESTIVE S YSTEM Annelids Digestive system is basic Contains a mouth which swallows food Goes through crop and gizzard Then the intestines that lead to the anus
C IRCULATION S YSTEM Blood carried through annilids contain hemoglobin It’s a closed circulation which means its in well developed blood vessels Has 5 hearts/Aordic Arches
R ESPIRATORY S YSTEM Annelids do not contain lungs or organs to help them breath Breath through their skin Lets out carbon dioxide through skin Oxygen can be transported to blood
D ISSECTION : E ARTHWORM Have your worm look like this
D ISSECTION : E ARTHWORM External Mouth: Eats food Setae: Helps the worm move through the ground Sperm Duct: Where sperms are released Clitellum: where eggs are held and released for reproduction
D ISSECTION : E ARTHWORMS Internal Brain: what do you thin think it does? Pharynx: Swallows food food Esophagus: moves food food to crop, gizzard Seminal Vesicles: stor stores sperms Aortic Arches: hearts Nephridia: Like a kidney Crop: Stores food Intestines: transfers Gizzard: Grinds up food nutrients Nerve Cord: Sensors and receptors