Wake-up 1.Write down three characteristics of worms. 2.Write down two different types of worms.
Skeletal system: Hydrostatic
Digestive system: Two way
Respiratory system: Diffusion
Nervous system: Nerve Cell Ganglia (control center) with 2 nerve cords Eyespots
Reproductive system: Hermaphrodite; both sexes present for internal fertilization
Reproductive system: Fragmentation
Marine Flatworms
Liver Fluke
Nematoda - Roundworms
Skeletal system: Hydrostatic
Digestive system: One way
Respiratory system: Diffusion
Nervous system: Nerve Cell Ganglia (control center) with 2 nerve cords Eyespots
Reproductive system: Internal fertilization
Annelida – Segmented Worms
Symmetry Bilateral: Can be split evenly into two halves
Skeletal Hydrostatic skeleton: “Water” skeleton Water
Digestion One-way: Food moves into mouth and out an anus
Circulatory Closed system: Blood is within vessels; have 5 “hearts”
Respiratory Diffusion: absorb oxygen through the skin; skin has to be moist O2O2 O2O2
Nervous Nerve cell: Control center; nerve cord
Reproduction Hermaphrodite –Both sexes present; both worms fertilize each other eggs
Special Characteristics Has small spines called SETAE on their outer most layer; helps anchor them to soil grains.
Example: Earthworm
Niche: Recycles organic matter; creates healthy soil
Example: Leech