Final Jeopardy Question Eye Anatomy Eye Physiology 500 Taste Ear Physiology Ear Anatomy Smell
Back Ciliary body
Back sclera
Back Vitreous humor
Back Aqueous humor
Back Lens
If the drainage of the vitreous humor is blocked what disease do you have? Back None. The vitrous humor doesn’t drain, the aqueous humor does.
The blind spot is caused by Back The optic nerves connection to the eye. There are no photoreceptors there.
This type of photoreceptor allows us to see in color Back cones
Light passes into your eye through the Back pupil
When the lens changes shape to allow you to focus this is called Back accommodation
BackAuditory tube
Back Semicircular canal
Back Hammer/malleus
Back Tympanic membrane
Back pinna
This type of lymph is inside the ear Back Perilymph or endolymph
The tiny stones in static equlibrium that “tell” your brain where your head is relative to gravity Back otholiths
The organ of hearing is called the Back cochlea
What contains the senses for equlibrium? Back Semicircular canals
The 2 senses that your ear provides are Back Hearing & Balance
The type of cell that allows for smell are Back Olfactory cells
Smell is directly connected to the ___________ Back brain
Smell is strongly connected to Back Taste or memory
In order to smell molecules need to Back Diffuse though mucus
The sense of smell is what kind of receptor? Back chemoreceptors
The name of the cell that actually does the “tasting” is Back gustatory
The 5 taste sensations are Back Sweet, sour, bitter, salty & umami
Why is saliva required for taste? Back The molecules need to diffuse to the “taste cells”
The structure that houses the “taste cells” Are called Back Taste buds
“taste cells” are located on the tongue. They are also in 2 other places, name 1 Cheek or palate Back
What is the collective name of the 3 bones in your ear? Back