Miss Bensaia’s PreKindergarten-4 Class Welcome to St. Martin de Porres School I am so glad to finally meet you all!
This year your child will have an amazing experience making new friends and growing spiritually, socially, and academically! Our program is designed to be developmentally appropriate for all students. Learning readiness, developing gross and fine motor skills, play, rest, and religion will be included in your child's daily routine.
What to Expect A Christian environment Creative and educational projects and assignments A safe and organized classroom for all students Singing, moving, and laughing EVERYDAY!
Goals Social Learn to be a good friend Enjoy our playground Learn how to share and compromise Star Student weekly Emotional Learn to control impulses Learn how to deal with frustration Learn how to deal with life’s ups and downs Appreciate each others accomplishments
Religion Everyday: – Pray – Listen to Bible stories Some topics covered include: – Creation – Birth of the Savior and His teachings – Lent and Easter
PreKindergarten-4 Attire Both boys and girls are expected to wear their summer and/or winter gym suits
Morning Meeting Hello Songs Pledge of Allegiance Finger plays Classroom Jobs Overview of days of the week/month Calendar 100 Days of School Count
Reading Readiness Rhyming words Poetry Left to right progression skills activities Alphabet - letters and sounds Story time Introduction of sight words Letter recognition – upper & lowercase Comprehension Listening
Writing Readiness Develop fine motor skills: Painting Clay Pipe cleaners Writing and copying letters, numbers, names and primary sight words
Math Readiness Counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's to 100 Recognize numerals 1-20 Identify & make patterns Identify shapes Sort and classify objects Graphs Sequence Number order
Science All about My Senses Observations of Weather and Seasons Properties of Objects Life Cycle
Social Studies Myself and Family Community Basic Needs & Wants Citizenship Rules & Laws
Snack Please send your child in with a nutritious snack/beverage each day that he or she attends Ex. fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers, pretzels, humus, juice boxes, & pull tab water bottles Snack is 15 minutes long children will listen to a story while eating
Lunch 11:30-11:55am Snack tickets cannot be used for morning snack Milk tickets must be purchased by the first day of school(sold by the semester)
Birthdays If you choose, parents may send in cupcakes (ALL THE SAME), brownies, or cookies Please do not send in cakes, juices, or party bags Invitations will be handed out only if the whole class is being invited or all the girls/boys
Specials Music takes place in the classroom once a week Gym once a week Library once a week
Center Room Center room is a great environment that we attend daily Center room has a variety of activities that will enhance our learning (access to different manipulatives)
Rest time 30 minutes daily Please have child come in with a bath towel (stored away in the room until rest time)
Recess Students will be taken outside each day for unless bad weather permits. If indoors, there will be organized games/centers. REMINDER: Please make sure that your child is dressed to go outside especially in the upcoming colder months.
Name tags Each family will be sent home with a name tag for their child/children Please have your child/children wear their name tag for the first week of school
School Visitors Guest Readers Once a week (usually Fridays) we have a Guest Reader in the afternoon at 1:30pm Reader may bring 1-2 books of their choice ALL Guest Readers must attend the “Safe Environment Training” presentation before reading to the class Volunteer Opportunities Room Parents Thanksgiving Feast Field Trip Chaperones
Everything you need to know… Morning drop-off is at 8:00 am Bell rings at 8:20-students must be in their seats Dismissal follows prayers at 2:40
Folders Daily Folder Please check daily for notes regarding your child Lunch money Pick-ups/Drop-offs Permission slips Blue Folder Sent home on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s with school information THIS IS WHERE THE PARENTS COME IN – Empty folder – Read enclosed materials – Sign the signature sheet – Return Blue Folder the next school day to child's teacher
Weekly Newsletter A weekly newsletter will be sent home with information on all the exciting happenings in PreKindergarten! Information may also be found on my Teacher Web page and the Saint Martin de Porres School website.
Communication At any time you have questions/concerns, please feel free to send in a note or me. I will be glad to answer any notes, phone calls, or s. Please know I will always do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. In addition, I am not checking my s during school hours since I am working with my 38 awesome students! Also, I am always available to meet before and after school days depending. Address: School Phone Number:(845)
Your Next Step… Sign up for Parent- Teacher Conferences Sign up for PB&J Sandwiches Sign up for bottles/cans redemption Guest Readers Return Student Information sheet
THANK YOU! Thank you for sharing your child with us here at St. Martin de Porres. I am looking forward to a wonderful, exciting, and eventful school year!