Agenda Juniors - Huck Finn Freshmen - Odyssey
Good Morning Step 1: Please grab your notebook and Huckleberry Finn Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it Vocab Please define each of these words and put them into sentences. Abolitionist Chuckleheads Lynched MOVED OUTSIDE READING BOOK! to JAN 8th & 9th :)!!!! 37 Days!
What should you be doing? POLICE REPORT We will be filing a police report about “Pap" Finn and coming home thinking he son had been murdered. Obviously we know Huck planted the scene so you can describe what Pap might be telling the police of how the scene looked based on pages or middle of Chapter 7 on what Huck did to prep for it. The POLICE is YOU, and you are writing down what you are gathering from “Pap." Work on Battle with Mr. Covey w/ Questions on separate Piece of Paper Read Chapter 13 is due by Wednesday Work with Groups about Expert Theme Project
TEAM Prepare 15 Minute Lesson Three Twain Examples Three Modern World Examples INDIVIDUALLY Find 12 Best Mentions Research Modern Examples Submit Four Summaries w/article or link Huck Finn Theme Expert Assignment
Good Morning Step 1: Please grab your notebook & your copy of the Odyssey Step 2: Please open your notebook to a new page or where you left off of from yesterday, date it, and label it Journal How was Thanksgiving ? What did you do over break? Please let me know if you went somewhere, or saw a family member. Perhaps you sat all day every day playing video games. If so what game? And Why?
Write me a short story about what is going on in this painting. Louis_David,_Le_Serment_des_Horaces.jpg