Career Development Services Presents: How to Use a Career Fair
Overview: Questions Answered What is a Career Fair? Why should I go? What do I do? Activities before, during, and after the event What do I wear? What happens next?
What is a Career Fair? An opportunity for employers to screen potential applicants An opportunity for students to screen potential employers
What is a Career Fair? Many employers are gathered by a host, such as an educational institution or employment agency, to provide employment information about the companies or organizations they represent.
What is a Career Fair? Employers or “recruiters” set up booths, tables, or displays to share information about their companies or organizations. This is also an opportunity for recruiters to collect resumes, job applications, and contact information for potential new employees.
What is a Career Fair? Some employers will do on-the-spot interviews, while others use the fair only as a screening. Students should be prepared for either situation.
What is a Career Fair? A Career Fair is an opportunity for students to further investigate companies or organizations of interest and to begin making important networking contacts. Networking with both employers and other attendees is important!
Why should I go? Opportunity to meet multiple employers in one day Networking! Practice in interviewing & communication skills Gather information that is critical for your decision- making process
What do I do? Activities before the event: Research the fair & the employers attending. Use the career fair website. Pre-register for the fair. Consider your goals & plan your strategy. Polish your resume & make several copies. Practice interview questions & create a second “elevator speech”. Prepare employer questions. Prepare business attire (cleaned & pressed). Pack your materials: pen, paper, business cards, resumes/portfolio, job app. details, breath mints. Get some sleep!!
What do I do? Activities during the event: Survey the layout and review your plan/strategy. Attempt to establish rapport with each recruiter (smile, eye contact, firm handshake, elevator speech). Gather information & goodies from each booth, but don’t look greedy. Answer questions AND ask questions. Find out recruiting timeline & next steps. Get recruiter contact information for your area. Be timely (stay long enough, but not too long). Politeness counts! Use your manners & also wear a name tag. Stay focused – turn off cell phones & visit the booths independently. NETWORK!!
What do I do? Activities after the event: Send thank you notes. Reflect/review you system. Follow up about 2 weeks post fair. Organize the information collected. Utilize your networking and follow up on other leads.
What do I wear? “Professional” business attire is best. Business “casual” may be appropriate. No jeans, sweat, or PJ’s! Present a neat, well-groomed appearance.
What happens next? Learn from your experience. Follow through with leads and applications. Continue to research. Continue to network!