Welcome Back Leonard B. Cousins AP LHS Expectations
ID Cards Dress Code Tardies Grades Electronics Clubs and Organizations Lunch / Leaving Campus Exam Exemptions Freshman Binders Student Problem Solving
ID Cards
All students are required to wear ID cards at all times while on campus Replacement ID’s $5.00: Purchase in the library Students can charge up to 3 ID cards during the year; they must pay cash after the 3 rd ID Students without an ID card: consequences range from Saturday School to Suspension
Dress Code Violation All students must be in compliance with the district’s dress code. Consequences: First offense – Saturday School and parents must bring student a change of clothing Next offense – In School Suspension / Loss of Academic Exemptions
Gentlemen The items displayed below may not be worn in the building
Ladies and Gentlemen No hats in the building
Gentlemen No distracting hair styles (carvings)
Gentleman No Sagging-All pants and shorts are to be worn at the waist. Under garments may not be visible
What’s up with this?
Ladies and Gentlemen No Bandanas
Ladies and Gentlemen No Facial piercings
Gentlemen No pajama pants or spandex
No PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Ladies No non-natural hair colors
Ladies No Low cut dresses or blouses, blouses that are strapless and/or backless.
Ladies No spaghetti straps or tank tops less than 3 inches in width
Ladies No lace back t shirts and tank tops
Ladies Skirts must be NO HIGHER than 5 inches above the knee, even when wearing tights
Ladies Form fitting pants, such as leggings, jeggings, lycra, spandex and tights must be covered with a top reaching NO HIGHER that 5 inches above the knee
Ladies Pants may NOT EXPOSE your skin
School starts each day at 7:25. Students are encouraged to arrive much earlier to ensure they are on time and ready for the school day. Cafeteria doors are opened each morning at 6:30am. Students have a 5 minute passing period between classes. Each student is authorized 4 tardies per semester. Excess tardies will result in discipline consequences.
Grades A B80-89 C70-79 FBelow 70
Grades Students will need to work really hard to establish a good GPA. Freshman year sets the tone for your student’s high school career. Make ensure that your student participates in the tutorial sessions offered by our teachers; before and after school. Students who fail a major test/assessment (below 70%) will be allowed to retake or correct up to a 70% grade. This does not include semester examinations.
Electronics Cell phones, headphones and ear buds may only be used in the cafeteria.
Electronics Cell phones, headphones and ear buds will be confiscated if students are caught using them in the classroom or any place other than the cafeteria. $ to retrieve confiscated cell phones
Organizations and Clubs STUCO, Key Club, JROTC, Cheer, Band, Winter Guard, Debate Club, etc………. Organizations and clubs are set up in the cafeteria. Parents you are welcome to visit all displays. We encourage your students to consider being a part of a club or an organization at Legacy HS.
Lunch / Leaving Campus Lunch is divided into 3 separate periods; A lunch, B lunch and C lunch Each lunch period is a total of 40 minutes long Students may use electronic devices during their lunch period Students may not leave campus during lunch: exceptions: Ben Barber Consequences for leaving campus can range from In School Suspension to DAEP / BIC.
Exemptions Students must maintain an 80 or above average. Students may not have more than two absences in the class they wish to exempt prior to the day of the exam(s). Assignment to an alternative education program (BIC or JJAEP), to an alternative placement class (AC or ISS) for disciplinary reasons, or any suspensions will negate any request for exam exemptions. Students may not have absence failed any class for the semester.
Freshman Binder Initiative *The 9 th grade student binder is a campus initiative to teach our students how to organize themselves for learning. These supplies are the minimum supplies students will need for every class during the school year. Teachers may require additional supplies for their particular subject area.
Freshman Binders Needed Binder Contents 3 ring binder, 2” or 3” rings with pocket inserts 7-8 colored dividers with tabs to separate each academic class Zipper pouch to store supplies Two or more pens Two or more sharpened pencils Filler paper Legacy Assignment Calendar (will be provided for free to all 9 th graders) Erasers Highlighters
Student Problem Solving Students should talk to their teacher if they have an issue in the classroom. Always give the teacher a chance to deal with a classroom issue. Report serious issues to your teachers or assistant principal. Please allow your Legacy teachers and administrators to help you solve any problems you run into on campus.
Welcome to Legacy Once again, on behalf of Dr. Butler, our faculty and staff and administrative team we welcome you to Bronco Nation where everything is better.