Who’s Who World War I
Great Britain Richest & most powerful nation in world Largest empire King George V – weak; Parliament – powerful Concerns: 1.Germany occupies colonies in Africa next to G.B. colonies 2.Britain and Germany engage in a Naval arms race 3.G.B. committed to defend Belgium if it was ever attacked
France 2nd largest empire Republic with elected President Raymond Poincare Concerns: Badly defeated in Franco-Prussian War =Little national pride Lost provinces of Alsace & Lorraine Wants revenge on Germany Member of the Triple Entente: France – Britain - Russia
Russia Largest country in world & poorest: 8 of 10 are peasants Tsar Nicholas – autocrat Problems: Dreadful working & living conditions Many peoples – many languages Badly defeated in Russo-Japanese War 1907 – wants to prove still a major power Stop Austria from expanding in Balkans control of Balkans for ports/route to Mediterranean Ally of Serbia (similar language & religion)
Germany New nation – 50 yrs old; created by Prussia 1871 Kaiser Wilhelm – strong leader (cousin of King George) Concerns: 1. Knows French want return of Alsace & Lorraine 2. France & Russia are allied =war on two fronts 3. Schlieffen Plan: Attack France thru Belgium – defeat quickly, then deal with Russia
Austria - Hungary Emperor Franz Joseph II (oldest of European rulers-loved by people) Problems: Disunity: many different people/languages=hard to rule Wants to expand empire into the Balkans – to do so, must attack Serbia (backed by Russia) Can’t defeat Russia unless supported by Germany
The Balkans Balkan = “mountain” in Turkish Formerly ruled by Turkey/Ottoman Empire Problems: Many different ethnic groups and languages Extreme geography Hot bed of resentment and unrest after Balkan Wars Serbian nationalists form terrorist group – the Unity of Death or “Black Hand” Goal is to unite all Slavic peoples into singe country - Yugoslavia