Balanced Literacy Newell Elementary
Independent Reading Writing Balanced Literacy
Sample Schedule A 20 minutesWorking with Words (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, etc.) 50 minutes minutes 30 minutes 5-10 minutes Reader’s Workshop* Mini-lesson focused on specific reading skill/strategy/standard Independent Reading (while teacher confers with students and/or holds Guided Reading groups) Share Time (with partners, small groups, or whole group) 50 minutes minutes 30 minutes 5-10 minutes Writer’s Workshop* Mini-lesson focused on specific writing skill/strategy/standard (includes modeled, shared, or interactive writing) Independent Writing (while teacher confers with students) Share Time (with partners, small group, or whole group)
Sample Schedule B 20 minutesWorking with Words (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, etc.) minutesDirect Reading Instruction* Shared/interactive read aloud or mini-lesson focused on specific skill/strategy/standard minutesSmall Group Instructional Time* (students rotate to two of the following, with independent reading always being one of the two) Independent Reading Guided Reading Literacy stations (with an explicit purpose, tied to a specific standard(s)), book clubs, or ongoing literacy based projects 50 minutes minutes 30 minutes 5-10 minutes Writing Instruction* Mini-lesson on specific writing skill/strategy/standard (includes modeled, shared, or interactive writing) Independent Writing (while teacher confers with students or pulls small groups) Share Time (with partners, small group, or whole group)
Lesson Plan Templates Must include Newell non-negotiables Assessment Differentiation Student friendly objectives CCSS Essential Question “I do”, “We do”, “You do” Technology integration See Kindergarten example
Resources Available CMS curriculum guides Grade level curriculum guides from Teacher’s Guide to Four Blocks Month-by-Month Phonics Words Their Way Lucy Calkins writing kits Newell Book Room Reading A-Z Storia (coming soon)
Classroom Libraries Leveled books from Booksource coming soon Pre-labeled with guided reading level Different titles in each teacher’s library Aim to rotate classroom libraries a few times per year
Writing as a Focus Explicit mini-lessons on writing strategies/skills (daily) Explicit modeling Students need time to independently write each day with teacher feedback Five-step process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing)
Grade Level Discussions What are the different balanced literacy frameworks used by teachers on your grade level? How do you plan to structure your 2 hour block? What resources would you like to utilize in your literacy planning this year? In what ways will you strive to integrate science and social studies curriculum into your literacy instruction? How can you ensure writing is being taught/modeled explicitly everyday?