Michael Gibbs
There are many countries that are multilingual, and have different major languages within i.e. Belgium-they have large French and Flemish speaking populations MULTILINGUAL
Human Geographers rely heavily on maps to conduct their studies Even though maps can give you the outlook of a cultural or physical landscape, they can overgeneralize detailed aspects of some societies MAPS
These generalizes can cause minor conflicts, or full scale wars i.e. The war in Sudan When drawing lines for nations, The Muslim Africans and Christian Africans were put into the same country MAPS CONTD.
Because of the generalizations of maps, a civil war ensued Many were killed in the conflict When examining a map, make sure to realize the intricacies that are not drawn onto the map MAPS CONTD.
There was another conflict that took place in Belgium where many of the Flemish people were against the Frenchification of Flanders, or basically they did not want the French language invading into their culture LANGUAGE
There was opposition on both sides, the North who wanted strict Flemish while the South wanted strict French. The Flemish partitioned the government about drawing language barriers in the map LANGUAGES
By the 1960’s a partition was made, giving the Flemish Flanders, and the French Wallonia LANGUAGES
This goes to show you how strong some people are about there languages. It is a component of who they are as a person, and they want to preserve their being LANGUAGES
Language can be an identifier of where a person is from, or what culture they identify themselves with LANGUAGES
Language is a fundamental element of local and national culture i.e. France The French have worked to preserve their language, not excluding new words, but making sure they become frenchified LANGUAGES
The definition of language is that it is a set of sounds and symbols that is used for communication among people. LANGUAGES