Biology Everywhere, Everyday
Biology in popular culture: Blue Man Group ■ Q1 Q1 – Is Global Warming real or and over-hyped political issue? (Can you define global warming?) Q1 – Is Global Warming real or and over-hyped political issue? (Can you define global warming?)
Biology in sports: Marathon mouse ■ Q2- Is being a super athlete a genetic disorder? Is obesity a genetic disorder? Q2- Is being a super athlete a genetic disorder? Is obesity a genetic disorder?
Biology in your backyard: LA TIMES ■ Q3 – Will ocean front property depreciate? Q3 – Will ocean front property depreciate?
Big Ideas in Biology GROUP: Choose and read an article as a group Determine which Biology Big Ideas are expressed in the article Be ready to summarize the article and provide a rationale for your choices
Group 1. Reader reads a paragraph 2. Verbally summarizes paragraph 3. Question and Confirm 4. Final verbal summary 5. All write a summary of the paragraph in their own words. One paper collected per group AT RANDOM. Teacher will read your words and ask group which Big Ideas the article addresses..
Energy for Life
Growth and reproduction of organisms
Universal Genetic Code
Responding to Environment