Business Names
Make your name memorable Forgettable names O’Brien Web Design Geographic terms Westside Health Foods Names of product or service Appliance Sales & Repair Co. Distinguish yourself from your competitors
Name should be appealing & easy to use Easy to spell, pronounce Appealing to eye & ear Pick name people like to repeat Images must suit customer base
Avoid geographical names Easy to forget Difficult to protect trademark law Lose fit if business expands Berkeley Aquarium & Fish Especially if plan to sell products on Internet
Don’t limit expanded product lines/get feedback Future products or service lines Sturdy Canvas Awnings Obtain feedback Potential customers Support network Upside or downside to potential name Make suggestions
Logos – Two Classics
Brandmarks can be either Wordmark Symbol Wordmark symbol or logo
Brandmarks can be either Wordmark Symbol Wordmark with symbol
Slogan Memorable motto or phrase used in advertising Express an idea or purpose