7th Framework Programme 2007 – 2013 How to register your organisation for FP7 in URF.


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Presentation transcript:

7th Framework Programme 2007 – 2013 How to register your organisation for FP7 in URF

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Unique Registration Facility (URF) To avoid providing legal and financial information to the EC every time an organisations submits a proposal for FP7 or negotiates a contract was introduced the URF  Anybody can register an organisation in URF  No special user name or password is required  A Participant Identification Code (PIC) is provided at the end of the registration process and can be used for proposal submission after 48 hours

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Participant Identification Code (PIC)  All organisations that have an FP7 grant agreement have a Participant Identification Code (or PIC)  Organisations without FP7 grant agreements can use the Unique Registration Facility (URF) to register and get a PIC  EPSS is progressively being adapted to allow for the use of the PIC  The use of the PIC in proposal submission is optional but highly recommended Remember: one legal entity, one PIC

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, ec.europa.eu/research/participants/urf

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Register new participant Organisation Data ================= Legal name : Business Name : Official Language : Name in 2nd Language : 2nd Language : Legal form : VAT Number : Registration Number : Registration Date : Registration authority : NACE Code : Not applicable Registration Country : Moldova (Republic of)

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Indirect Cost Method 1. Real indirect costs 1.a) Real indirect costs (at the level of the action) available for all categories of participants 1.b) Simplified methodavailable for all categories of participants, unless they used 1.a) before 2. Flat rate 2.a) Standard flat rate (20%) available for all categories of participants, unless they used 1.a) or 1.b) before 2.b) Special transitional flat rate (60%) available for non-profit pubic bodies, research organisations, higher and secondary education establishments and SMEs which are unable to identify with certainty their real indirect costs for the actions concerned, unless they used 1.a) or 1.b) before.

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Validate your organisation  supporting documents have to be sent so your organisation can be validated. On the link you can find downloadable forms and instructions for the submission of supporting documents.  the validation could result in a possible change of the PIC  appoint the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) within your organisation. The LEAR will be the responsible for the maintenance of your legal and financial data of your organisation.

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Supporting documents  The completed, dated and signed 'Legal Entity Form' (the form corresponding to your public or private status). Documents are accepted in the official EU languages (translation into English is welcome). For non EU official languages, legal translation of these documents is compulsory.  For 'Public Entities': a copy of the resolution, law, decree, decision or any other official document establishing your organisation and if applicable, a copy of a document proving VAT registration (in case the VAT number does not show on the registration extract or its equivalent (of course the extract must not be older than 6 months).

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Submit supporting documents The requested documents can either be sent electronically to the URF Validation Team or sent by regular mail to: European Commission Research Directorate-General T5 Framework programme logistics – URF Validation Team SDME 11/083 B-1049 Brussels Belgium

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR)  Find out who can be a legal signatory within your organisation  Find out who could fulfil the role of the LEAR within your organisation  Download the LEAR Appointment form and the LEAR role and tasks document.  Both documents have to be duly signed. The LEAR Appointment document needs to be completely filled in. Finally the documents must be sent by regular mail to: European Commission Research Directorate-General T5 Framework programme logistics - URF Validation Team SDME 11/083 B-1049 Brussels Belgium  LEARs will receive their credentials (user name and password) by and post to access URF

Direcţia Integrare Europeană şi Cooperare Internaţională, Any questions?  CORDIS  Research Enquiry Service quiries  URF help desk for technical problems, password reset, etc: