Business Legal Requirements no 6 Every business who sells and buys goods and services is affected by laws
Registration and licensing There are over 700 licenses that can be issued to business in order to operate. There are over 700 licenses that can be issued to business in order to operate. Restaurants, hairdressers etc must have a licence to operate. Restaurants, hairdressers etc must have a licence to operate. In QLD owners must go to the website In QLD owners must go to the website HAVE A LOOK AT THIS NOW PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT THIS NOW PLEASE
Registering the business name Laws cover the names businesses use. Business must not use the same name as another business. Laws cover the names businesses use. Business must not use the same name as another business. Names can be searched using the department of fair trading web page Names can be searched using the department of fair trading web page GO TO THIS NOW and click on the names search section GO TO THIS NOW and click on the names search section
ABN All businesses in Australia must be registered for an ABN. (Australian Business Number) All businesses in Australia must be registered for an ABN. (Australian Business Number) Once this is done businesses can then choose to register for GST if they earn over a specified amount $ Once this is done businesses can then choose to register for GST if they earn over a specified amount $70 000
Employing Staff Many factors influence how staff can be paid Many factors influence how staff can be paid Full Time Full Time Part Time Part Time Casual Casual Contracts Contracts Other factors employers must take into consideration include PAYG – Pay as you go tax which is tax withheld from wages Other factors employers must take into consideration include PAYG – Pay as you go tax which is tax withheld from wages Employers must also contribute 9% super and have workers compensation insurance. Employers must also contribute 9% super and have workers compensation insurance.
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