PPT TEMPLATE Use this template as an organizational guide PRACTICE: you will be given 5 minutes to present info -Do NOT read directly from slides [this is your guide] VISUAL: ALL slides MUST follow the following criteria -template followed -24+ font -easy to read / NO PARAGRAPHS -colorful / interesting / transitions used -easy to follow -visuals when required : photograph/illustration/diagram -must be able to explain equipment / charts / graphs / visuals
INTRO PAGE -1 SLIDE ONLY -student name / hr -career position -business name -STEM area of interest PICTURE -professional / student -in front of business
JOB OVERVIEW -1 SLIDES -SUMMARIZE “what” the career is- role/purpose PICTURE -student -in working environment *professional optional
TYPICAL DAY -1 SLIDE - DESCRIBE a typical work day / work week / etc. VISUAL -clip art that relates to day
INTERPERSONAL SKILLS -1 SLIDE -LIST skills need for working with others within occupation -EXPLAIN the importance to occupation VISUAL -clip art that relates to skills
TECHNICAL SKILLS -1 SLIDE -LIST technical skills needed for occupation -EXPLAIN the importance to occupation VISUAL -clip art that relates to skills
EQUIPMENT / RESOURCES -1-2 SLIDES may include both -IDENTIFY 5+ types of equipment/tools/resources used -EXPLAIN each and how used PICTURES 5+ pictures of equipment VISUAL -clip art that relates to skills
EDUCATION -1SLIDE -IDENTIFY STEM courses identified [high school / college / post grad] -IDENTIFY degrees required [under grad / graduate] -IDENTIFYcertifications -be able to explain what these are -liscensure -continuing education classes NO VISUAL REQUIRED
CURRENT TRENDS / DEMANDS -1 SLIDE -EXPLAIN job market / demands for this occupation -IDENTIFY average salary NO VISUAL REQUIRED
BENEFITS / EXP/ ADVICE -1 SLIDE -SUMMARIZE what makes the career rewarding -SUMMARIZE event/story shared by professional PICTURE taken during job shadow
CLOSURE -1 SLIDE -3-5 TAKE-AWAYS related to your experience -relate these to STEM / CAREER NO VISUAL REQUIRED