Properties of Matter Unit Week 30 Directions 1.Prepare your desk for science. Science notebook 2.Use voice level 2 (conversation) discuss the following question: Review your physical properties notes. How do we measure the volume of liquids and solids? What if the solid is in a strange shape? If you have a signed rubric, bring it to me!
Targets & Warm Up Targets: Students will observe and measure physical properties to identify matter. Warm Up: Review your physical properties notes. How do we measure the volume of liquids and solids? What if the solid is in a strange shape?
Physical Properties What is a physical property? A physical property is any property of matter that can be measured or observed. Physical properties can be tested when matter changes but does not turn into different matter.
We will focus on…. Color Shape Texture Length Width Mass Volume
Units List Length/Width/Height mm = millimeter cm = centimeter m = meter Mass g = grams kg = kilograms Volume (liquids and odd - shaped solids) mL = milliliter L = liter Volume (solids only) mm 3 = cubic millimeter cm 3 = cubic centimeter m 3 = cubic meter
Your items (You will observe/measure only 3) 6 items 1.Tile 2.Rock 3.Marker 4.Eraser 5.Gem 6.Knife
Stations 6 stations 2 for color, shape, texture, length & width – Rulers 2 for mass – Balances and masses 2 for volume – Rulers – Calculators – Graduated cylinders (small & large) – Cup of water – Tissues (for cleaning up spills)
Logistics There are 3 items that you will observe today. You will work with your table to observe and measure three items. Another group will observe and measure a different three items. Tables 1 to 3 will rotate through tables 1 to 3. Break into 2 groups Tables 4 to 6 will rotate through tables 4 to 6. Break into 2 groups
Directions 1.Sit at your station. Look at the sign to see what properties you will observe/measure. Read the reminders. 2.Work together as a table group to observe/measure the ________ item. Record your answers for the ______ item. FIRST SECOND THIRD 3.Finished early? – Finish recording data from a previous station – Open a science textbook and read pg. 322 – 327. You may also read pg if you finish early.
Reminders Share and work together with your tablemates. – Give everyone a chance to measure/observe different items. Work quickly but carefully. Label your answers with UNITS!
Wrap Up Activity Share and record missing data.
Targets (Revisited) Students will observe and measure physical properties to identify matter.
Homework SubjectHomeworkDue Date ScienceMatter Quiz (particles & properties) Thursday