ICHNOS Plus Opening Conference Cagliari, 11 Dicembre 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

ICHNOS Plus Opening Conference Cagliari, 11 Dicembre 2008

Key elements Programme: INTERREG IVC Type of intervention: Capitalisation Sub-theme: Entrepreneurship and SMEs Start date: July 2008 End date: June 2010

Background & Objectives ICHNOS PLUS builds on the experience of the existing project ICHNOS (Innovation and CHange: Network of One-stop Shops for Business) funded under the INTERREG IIIC programme, concluded in April As a capitalisation project,, the main aim of ICHNOS PLUS is to enhance and transfer the results of the ICHNOS project into the Operational Programmes of the Structural Programmes of partner Regions,  mainly the model of Regional Centre of Competence (RCC) for One- Stop Shops for business (OSS). Contributing to the promotion and spreading of one-stop-shops for start-ups within the European regions

Requirements/Approach Broadening the partnership: (3 initial partners + 3 new partners) Setting up the methodologies and activities to enable the transfer of the good practices and ideas into actions through the Regional Operational Programmes.  Involving the deep delegations: Managing Authorities, Regional departments and officials in charge of the project related themes, Chambers of Commerce and business organisations.

Partnership The partnership consists of 6 partners 6 from 6 different countries:  Ancitel Sardegna (Lead Partner) - Italy  CESGA, Supercomputing Centre of Galizia - Spain  Vysocina Region – Czech Republic  North Aegean Region - Greece  Tartu Scientific Park - Estonia  Ruda Slaska Business Incubator- Poland

Project structure The project consists of three components Component 1 – Management and coordination Component 2 – Communication and dissemination Component 3 – Exchange of experiences dedicated to the transfer of good practices into EU Structural Funds mainstream programmes

Exchange of experience and transfer of good practice into the Operational Programmes of the Structural Funds (Component 3) Objective: to involve partners in a peer exchange and in a mutual learning process for the effective transfer and implementation of the RCC model This process is articulated into three phase:  Knowledge and deepening of the RCC model and its development;  Exchange of experience and mutual learning;  Implementation and transfer of the model Project structure (2)

Activities  Studies and surveys: context analysis aimed to highlight and compare the main features that influence starting or running a business in the regions involved; a toolkit of the upgraded RCC and a feasibility study for a tailor- made transfer of the RCC model.  Regional meetings aimed at involving Managing Authorities and local stakeholders in the project activities  On-site visits and staff exchanges designed to build capacity, raise awareness and improve the know-how in the participating regions.  Interregional thematic and training seminars on the main issues of relevance for the project: administrative simplification; technological solutions for easing start-ups, etc.  Activities of communication and dissemination: organisation of interregional conferences; update of the website; realisation of brochures and newsletters; publication of specialised articles, etc.

Expected results Modernisation of regional policies in terms of simplification of administrative procedures for start-ups; Stakeholders’ raised awareness and regional key actors mentored in the way the RCC model works; Staff practitioners increased competences about the services delivered by the OSS and RCC; 6 Action Plans (1 per region) describing how the RCC model and the other good practices will be implemented under the Regional Operational Programmes;

Thanks for your attention! More information: or ANCITEL SARDEGNA Tel