UNDP Latvia strategy to support absorption of EU funds Janis AIZSALNIEKS, Project Coordinator UNDP Latvia CAPACITY BUILDING TO ABSORB EU FUNDS LOCAL GOVERNANCE, DECENTRALISATION, URBAN/RURAL DEVELOPMENT SUB-PRACTICE MEETING Skopje, Macedonia, December 1 -3, 2004
Outline 1.Justification for support: planning the support strategy; 2. Preparatory assistance project: Strengthening Capacity for implementation of EU structural funds; 3. Major achievements and lessons learnt;
UNDP Latvia strategy : To make sure EU structural funds contribute to sustainable human development of Latvia By strengthening institutional mechanism and strategies for management of EU structural funds in Latvia
Justification for support: Goals of CCF extension until )Ensuring sustainability for UNDP projects; 2)Development Cooperation; 3)Assistance to Latvian government in implementation of EU structural funds
Preparatory Assistance project 1)Full access to information- Communication strategy for EU funds; 2)Institutional Capacity- HRM strategy for management of EU funds; 3)Capacity of beneficiaries to absorb EU funds; 4)Ad hoc assistance for institutional mechanism of management of EU funds.
Major achievements and lessons learnt: ad hoc assistance 1) Ex ante evaluation of Single Programming Document for EU Equal Community Initiative Programme in Latvia; 2) Functional audit of Ministry of Regional Development to allocate new functions with regard to management of EU funds; 3) Assistance in Crisis Communication for managing authority of EU funds in Latvia (Ministry of Finance);
Major achievements and lessons learnt: communication strategy 1) Adjustment of National Information and communication strategy for EU structural funds (including crisis communication plan); 2) Strengthening implementation of the strategy, (capacity building, expert advise); 3) Support for establishment of comprehensive functioning communication coordination system involving representatives of the regions; 4) Development of communication monitoring and analysis to promote more effective information dissemination and communication regarding EU Funds;
Major achievements and lessons learnt: HRM strategy 1)HRM strategy for management of EU funds; 2)Model (financial and institutional) on usage of technical assistance for training; 3)HRM strategy for EU funds – a pilot for good HRM in public service in Latvia (ensuring compatibility); 4)Project on support for implementation of HRM strategy in pipeline;
Major achievements and lessons learnt: beneficiaries needs 1)Beneficiaries needs are identified (access to information and communication channels, technical capacity, cooperation and planning skills) and report disseminated; 2)Regional development agencies have been involved in the process of management of EU funds; 3)Ongoing research on potential role of regional development agencies in management system of EU structural funds in Latvia;
Thank you! Janis AIZSALNIEKS, Project Coordinator UNDP Latvia