PT-DLR, EUREKA/COST-Bureau - “Enhancing transnational research & innovation cooperation in the Danube Region: Joint EUREKA – Danube-INCO.NET workshop” December 2014, Vienna, Austria Tour de table German Intervention Dr Marion Mienert Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Dr Wolfgang Axmann Programme Management Agency PT-DLR, EUREKA/COST-Bureau
PT-DLR, EUREKA/COST-Bureau - Tour de Table: DE (1) How is EUREKA in your country organized? Which are the relevant institutions? 1. Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Political Representative - EUREKA High Level Representative (HLR) 2.Programme Management Agency PT-DLR; EUREKA/COST Bureau Project administration – EUREKA National Project Coordinator (NPC) What are the most relevant funding programmes? National thematic programmes - usually calls ZIM Programme (bottom-up programme to support SMEs Eurostars (EUREKA bottom-up programme jointly with the Commission (art. 185) to support SMEs Regional Programmes (Bundesländer)
PT-DLR, EUREKA/COST-Bureau - Tour de Table: DE (2) Priority areas for Danube region cooperation and funding? None Commitment to the to the E!DI-Call 2015? Yes but no dedicated funding Existing experiences with bi-/multilateral, transnational calls Yes, good experience with both, bilateral and multilateral calls to initiate individual EUREKA projects Experience with the utilization of ESIF (structural funds) for R&D&I- projects) No not within EUREKA
PT-DLR, EUREKA/COST-Bureau - Tour de Table: DE (3) Experience with the utilization of ESIF (structural funds) for R&D&I- projects) No not within EUREKA Are you member of TAFTIE (or is it envisaged)? No Events in the region (your country) which could be used for the promotion of the call Not yet decided Planned matchmaking/brokerage events (and in which thematic area) Nothing planned Call dissemination tools (websites, social media, newsletters,…) Websites, newsletters information by letters and