Early Life of Confucius A.Born in 551 BCE to a noble, but struggling family in Northern China B.He hoped to advance to an important government office, but he never succeeded
Story One day Confucius and his students were walking in the countryside when they came across a crying woman. “Why are you crying they asked her?”. “Because,” she answered, “a tiger killed my husband’s father, my husband, and son.” They then asked the woman, “Why do you stay in this place if all of these terrible things have happened?”. The woman calmly answered, “Because there are no cruel rulers here.” Confucius turned to his students and said, “Remember this, a cruel ruler is fierce, more fierce then a tiger.” What is something that you can guess about Confucius’s life from this short experience?
An Innovative Teacher A.Confucius is known as China’s First Professional Teacher B.Confucius charged students a fee to take classes 1.Taught views of life and government “From the very poorest upward…none has ever come to me without receiving instruction. I instruct only those who burst with eagerness”
The Teachings of Confucius
Confucianism A. Confucius never wrote down his own ideas 1. Students recorded them after his death B. These writings make up a Philosophy 1. A system of beliefs and values
Order for Society A. Confucius lives during many different warring empires B. His goal was to bring social order to society 1. If people behave properly society will function smoothly
Respect for Others A. People should know role in family and in society B. Respect people above and below them
Five Human Relationships Ruler and Ruled Father and Son Older Brother and Younger Brother Husband and Wife Friend and Friend
Confucianism and other Religions A. Confucianism is a way of life B. Often paired with many other religions C. Taoism: religious belief that supports love of nature and living a simple life