The Qin Dynasty Shi Huangdi unified the warring kingdoms of China and established the Qin dynasty. He connected existing walls to protect against attacks by the northern nomads. Farmers were employed as road builders to add further protections against uprisings. Governors ruled districts of the vast empire. 1 of 3 Ancient China Section 3: Warring Kingdoms Unite Unifying Economy and Culture Shi Huangdi unified the currency and the weights and measures used in China, which furthered trade. The Chinese were not allowed to follow the ideas of Confucius, but rather worked to serve only the government and the emperor. Shi Huangdi’s death brought the end of the Qin dynasty.
The Han Dynasty The Han dynasty, begun by Liu Bang, reinstituted the practice of Confucianism in government. Emperor Wudi brought the dynasty to its height and expanded the borders of China through warfare. Later Han emperors lost control of the empire to warlords, and China broke into separate, smaller kingdoms. 2 of 3 Ancient China Section 3: Warring Kingdoms Unite Section Reading Support Transparency MapMaster: Qin and Han Empires
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