EARLY EUROPE Chapter 4.1
ANCIENT GREECE Divided up into City-States Athens: believed in democratic rule; known for its philosophers Sparta: Ruled by nobles; known as a warring city- state
ANCIENT GREECE 300 B. C. Alexander the Great conquered all of Greece and helped spread Greek culture throughout Europe
ROME Legend states that Rome was founded by two brothers Romulus and Remus Rome was settled around 1000 B.C. Started out as a monarchy and became a Republic (Led by 2 Consuls and the Senate)
ROMAN EMPIRE Rome expanded in B.C. and encompassed the Mediterranean Sea The rise of emperors caused the Senate to lose power Murder of Julius Caesar Ocatavius became Rome’s first emperor
DECLINE OF THE EMPIRE Constantine I moved the Capital to Constantinople 330 AD. Splitting the Empire (East and West) Germany invaded the Western Roman Empire in 400 A.D Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine empire) lasted another 1000 years
RISE OF CHRISTIANITY Popes became the leaders of the Catholic Church starting in 500 AD Church sent out missionaries to spread their religious views During 1000’s the Catholic Church sponsored a series of holy wars called Crusades Wanted to take Jerusalem back from the Muslims
HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE The Western Roman Empire was divided up into smaller German Kingdoms Charlemagne was the leader of the most important Germanic Kingdom called the Franks The pope crowned him king of the “Western Roman Empire” newly named the Holy Roman Empire After his death, his kingdom was divided up between his sons & Grandsons that laid the foundations for Spain, Germany, Italy, France
MEDIEVAL SOCIETY The political and social system during this time was called Feudalism. Kings would grant land to Nobles in return for military service