The oldest monotheistic religion The basis of Christianity and Islam, as well as other religions Religion of 14 million people in the world Today, Jews make up less than 1% of the world’s population and 2% of the US population Most Jews live in Israel, The US, and Canada
God is referred to as A’doni Although there is no prophet, Abraham is the founder of Judaism The faith was continued by Moses, who led the people out of Egypt and presented the 10 commandments (there are 613 in all) Other important figures: Jacob, Isaac, Joseph, Noah, King David
The Torah is the main religious book for Jews Divided into 5 books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy Written on a parchment scroll in Hebrew Other minor texts are used to tell stories for specific holidays
Jerusalem is the birthplace of Judaism known as the promised land. Within Jerusalem, there are many holy sites including: The Wailing Wall, The Old City, and King David’s Tomb The state of Israel has several other holy sites in it
Briss: ceremony for baby boys at 8 days old Bar or Bat Mitzvah: symbolizing becoming a man or a woman when a boy (13 years) or girl (12 years) first reads from the torah Weddings and deaths also have special traditions Keeping kosher T’sdakah Shabbat
Shabbat or the Sabbath is the most important Jewish holiday It takes place from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday Jews are not supposed to do any work during this period
Rosh Hashanah- the Jewish New Year Yom Kippur- The day of Atonement Passover- The celebration of the Jews leaving Egypt Simchat Torah- The rereading of the Torah Sukkot- the harvest festival
Services are led by rabbis- Jewish clergy who reads from the Torah In addition, prayers are chanted by a cantor Jews worship in a synagogue- also sometimes referred to as temple or shoal
Orthodox: the torah should be strictly followed (think black hats and curls) Conservative: more traditional than reform, less strict than orthodox Reform: Jewish law should be a guideline