You’re watching Today is Dec. 15, 2010
Lunch Menu Mon – beef&chz nachos/ckn quesadilla Tue – turkey crois/grilled ham&chz Wed – chzy brd sticks/pb&j Thu – baked ckn Fri – grilled chz sw/pizza
Breakfast Menu Mon – cereal and toast Tue – french toast & sausage Wed – ckn biscuit Thu – breakfast bun Fri – oatmeal&cin toast
Word of the Day –boondocks –\ BOON-doks \, noun; –1. A remote rural area (usually preceded by "the.") –2. An uninhabited area with thick natural vegetation, as a backwoods or marsh.
Any senior interested in being in Work Based Learning 2 nd semester should see Mrs. Duff as soon as possible for an application. Announcements
Don’t forget to vote for the Teacher of the Month! Ballots and submission box are in the cafeteria during all 4 lunches. Announcements
Congrats to the Girls Varsity BBall team for their win over Richmond Hill! Don’t forget the big game vs. SEHS on 12/17! Announcements
Beta club and FBLA members: Report to room 904 after school on 12/15 to help load cans. Announcements
Tennis info meeting 12/163:15Cafeteria See Mrs. Hicks or Coach O Announcements
Owe money on your yearbook or ad? Keep making payments. Pay it off by April 1. Announcements
Student council members Meet on stage w/ Coach Ford 12/16 3 rd & 4 th lunch Pizza! Announcements
Drama club members Christmas party is 12/15 ‘til 5 Bring what you signed up for. Announcements
Stop by the Rebel Country Store for your last minute Christmas shopping! Watches, jewelry, sweatshirts, t-shirts! Gift wrapping is FREE Announcements
Congrats to Mr. Browher’s 1 st period class for buying 120 ornaments to help GLOW! They will receive pizza and wings on 12/15. Announcements
Home basketball games on 12/17 vs. SEHS! Announcements
Miss the SkillsUSA broadcasters meeting? Stop by room 816 to see what you missed. Announcements
FCA meeting Dec. 16 6:30 p.m. Announcements
Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year Award Program. Check out and apply. Deadline is Mar. 4. Announcements
Junior dues are now $60 Senior dues are now $70 Pay Mrs. Bland! They go up $5 each month. Announcements
Any A.P. US History student for Mrs. Daniels or Mrs. Seckinger next semester should see them ASAP to pick up Christmas break assignments! Announcements
HOSA Christmas Celebration 12/173:30-5 Room 601 Potluck dinner with drinks supplied by HOSA Games & gift exchange Announcements
First payment for HOSA leadership conference is $20, due on 12/15. Announcements
HOSA competition practice Thursdays3:30-5 Room 601 Announcements
FCCLA Christmas Party 12/17 Sign up with Mrs. Neurath if you plan to attend Announcements
FCCLA wraps gifts on 12/18. Sign up with Mrs. Neurath. Announcements
FCCLA t-shirts are $10. See Mrs. Neurath to purchase one. Announcements
Fruit sale money is due by 12/17 to avoid a hold on your report card. Money for boxes sold not picked up before 12/17 is forfeited. Announcements
Join yearbook, newspaper, or broadcast in ! Get an application online or in room 816. Due in Feb. Announcements
FBLA Christmas social Dec. 16, 3:35-5 p.m. Room 904 Games, food, and fun! Bring a wrapped toy for Toys for Tots. Also sending Christmas cards to soldiers. Announcements
FBLA members still needed. Join today for $15. See your business teacher. Announcements
French club hosts Tambola! Enter to win XBox360, Blu-ray DVD player, or free drink & food! Buy a $1 ticket from Mr. Carnes, a French club member, or in the cafeteria. Winners announced 12/15! Announcements
Teacher of the Month! Nominate teachers who have touched lives in a positive way. Box and ballots are in the cafeteria during lunch. Announcements
Student suggestion box In the cafeteria. Share ideas. Student Council will consider all suggestions at their meetings. Announcements
Tennis team sells McDonald’s sausage and chicken biscuits Wed & Fri $2 Announcements
Student Athletic Passes $25 Get in to ALL home games, ALL year. See Coach Hood. Announcements
Visit the Rebel Country Store! Hours: 7:50-8:20; all four lunches; 3:30-4. Variety of Rebel apparel, hand bags, jewelry, etc. Announcements
Buy a yearbook now for $60! Add $5 for nameplate and cover. Deadline is Jan. 27. Price goes to $80 in May! Buy early to save money! Announcements
Buy pictures from this school year! Announcements
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings): Announcements Announcements Follow us on