Sasho Vasilev serve to the Lord since 1002 when he met Christ as personal Savior. Since than he gave his life and family in service of God. Sasho started.


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Presentation transcript:

Sasho Vasilev serve to the Lord since 1002 when he met Christ as personal Savior. Since than he gave his life and family in service of God. Sasho started his service as a Sunday school teacher later as a church secretary and in 1997 he was called to be a pastor.

Pastor Sasho together with brother Dinko on a street evangelization. Pastor Sasho travels a lot and minister among the churches around his home town of Sliven. Every year there is a Christmas party for the region of Stara Zagora where Pastor Sasho say a word or sing a song.

In 2005 he became his studies at the BCOG Theological College in Stara Zagora. Please, invest in the Kingdom of God in Bulgaria through supporting this minister. The needed support for Sasho Vasilev on a monthly basis is $200: $100 – salary; $100 – means of transport. TOTAL per year: $2400