March :00pm and 7:00pm Sanctuary
Dedication of current Sanctuary : September 9, 1962 Cost of construction: $650,000
1962 – 2015= 53 years What has been done in those years? + Communion rail modification + Carpet + Paint/wallpaper border + Pews cut for handicap accessibility
What else? Allen organ installed Sound board and microphones Pews removed from chapel Ceiling fans Altar, pulpit, lectern frontals and paraments…and new banner sets
What in this sanctuary could be updated?
Technology Furnishings Walls, windows, and floor Related spaces
Technology Sound system Video Lighting Integrated controls Public/Guest Wi-Fi
Furnishings Chancel: altar, pulpit, lectern, baptismal font… Pews Piano Chairs Banners and other art
Walls, windows, and floor Paint Drywall Carpet or other flooring options Window replacements: plain or stained glass or insets…
Related spaces Sacristy: add a piscina and make other changes as recommended by Altar Guild members. Nursery: enlarge or relocate. Bathrooms: update, refresh, etc. Chapel: window wall replacement, secure storage installed, lighting, etc.
Technology: Sound system: $22-40,000 Video: projection/screens or monitors: $50-75,000 Lighting: ? Integrated controls: ?
Furnishings: total cost would be influenced by choice of in-stock vs. artisan designed altar, baptismal font, pulpit, lectern, cross, etc.
Walls, windows, and floor: Carpet replacement: $13,500 Painting and drywall: estimated $100, ,000 Window replacement: estimated $50, ,000. If stained glass or insets used: ?
Related spaces: Sacristy Nursery/Childcare Chapel Bathrooms Total estimated costs: $ ,000
Total estimated costs: $750,000+++
Look around this sacred space and reflect for a moment upon those who gave so freely to make it a reality… They left us a “legacy” that enabled us to receive and share God’s gifts…
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