3 CERDECEN WAS ESTABLISHED IN 1995 WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF A JOINT EC TEMPUS PROJECT CONTRACT No. S_JEP ( ) Coordinator: Napier University of Edinburgh, UK Participants: Erlangen-Nuernberg University, LSTM, Germany Technical University of Denmark, ICIEE, Denmark Technical University of Eidhoven, The Netherlands Technical University Lisbon, Portugal
4 CERDECEN WAS RECOGNIZED AS AN EUROPEAN CENTER OF EXCELLENCE IN 2003 WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF AN EC PROJECT CONTRACT No. ENK6-CT ( ) Coordinator: Technical University of Sofia Participants: Technical University of Denmark, ICIEE, Denmark Erlangen-Nuernberg University, LSTM, Germany Strathclyde University Glasgow, UK Silezian University of Technology, Poland
5 12 years of history expressed in: 7 basic themes of the scientific research agenda Computer simulation of room-air movement and IAQ Computer simulation of combustion processes in industrial boilers Experimental investigations of three-dimensional flows including jet systems Field measurements in ventilated rooms and industrial devices Pipe-line network modeling Numerical modeling of three-dimensional jet flows interaction Air-jet spinning process modeling
6 Detelin MARKOV, M.Sc. Assistant Professor Prof. Peter STANKOV M.Sc., Ph.D., D.Sc. Head of the Center Radostina ANGELOVA M.Sc., Ph.D., Assistant Professor Jordan DENEV, M.Sc., Ph.D. Associate Professor Senior Research Staff
7 Iskra SIMOVA, B.Sc., M.Sc. PhD student George PICHUROV, B.Sc., M.Sc. Assistant Professor Maria YOTOVSKA, M.Sc. PhD student Hristina KONOVA, B.Sc.,M.Sc PhD student Junior Research Staff
8 12 years of history expressed in: 12 successfully finished national projects in the field of combustion technologies, financially supported by: Ministry of Education and Sciences District Heating Agency Sofia District Heating Agency Rousse Nuclear Power Plant “Kozloduj” Sugar Company “Gorna Oryahovitza” Totema Company Plc. and others
9 3D Numerical investigation of the combustion process in the P62 boiler with tangentially arranged burners
10 3D Numerical investigation of the combustion process in the P62 boiler with tangentially arranged burners
11 12 years of history expressed in: 7 successfully finished national projects in the field of ventilation and indoor climate, financially supported by: Ministry of Education and Sciences Honeywell Plc. Tangra Plc. Alen mак Plc. – Plovdiv Glavbolgarstroj – Bulgaria
12 Ventilation Modeling of the Operation and Coordination halls of the Flights Control Center in Sofia Airport
13 Room air flow modeling, CERDECEN project
14 SOME EXAMPLES CO2 distribution Velocity distribution Flow around buildings modeling - the region of Medical Academy in Sofia (2002)
15 12 years of history expressed in: 9 successfully finished international projects, financially supported by: The European Commission The Volkswagen Foundation DAAD within the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe
16 12 years of history expressed in: COPERNICUS CP Development of integrated packages for simulation and visualization of complex flows ( ) TEMPUS S_JEP Computational Fluid Dynamics Center for Engineering Predictions and Design ( ) VOLKSWAGEN STIFTUNG I/71294 Computational simulation of chemical reactions in combustion ( ) COPERNICUS ERB IC15-CT Integrated design optimization of building energy performance and indoor environment ( ) Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, DAAD-2 Advanced Methods for Prediction and Design of Effective Ventilation Systems ( ) ECHAINE ENK5-CT , Energy Wood Production CHAINs in Europe ( ) Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe, DAAD-1 Development and Application of Numerical Methods for Calculation and Optimization of Pollutant Reduced Industrial Furnaces and Efficient Heat Exchangers ( ) CERDECEN ENK 6-CT , CERDECEN Center of Excellence ( ) ALLHOME, Allergies and Ventilation ( )
17 12 years of history expressed in: 4 on-going international projects Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, DAAD Computational Engineering PhD courses ( ) SOCRATES program: Higher Education (ERASMUS), between the Technical University of Sofia and the Technical University of Denmark ( ) Bilateral Project with Germany: Integrated assessment of space conditioning of production enclosures and worker exposure ( ) CLIMACADEMY, EuroAcademy on Ventilation and Indoor Climate ( )
18 12 years of history expressed in: Long term cooperation with leading EU Universities and research Centers:
19 12 years of history expressed in: 9 specialized courses developed
20 12 years of history expressed in: 11 international seminars organized First International Seminar “Healthy Buildings” 2003
21 12 years of history expressed in: 7 international courses for more than 300 M.Sc. and Ph.D. students organized
22 Какво е необходимо? Изчерпателна информация Научната Ви дейност да е в приоритетна област Да имате колектив, доказан с престижни публикации
23 Какво е необходимо? Работен английски език Поне добър за колектива Много добър (ако не отличен !) за ръководителя Много добър за тези, които подготвят предложението за проект Партньори от водещи университети и/или научни центрове в Европа
24 Важни въпроси Координатор или партньор? Каква готовност да имаме за планираната работа? Какво ще стане ако ключова фигура от колектива напусне?
25 Важни въпроси Какви са ни шансовете? 1 от 10?! А ако не успеем от първи опит? Оценки ‘0’?!
26 Нещо за партньорите Кого да предпочетем? Партньори от Сърбия, Македония,... Западни Балкани Кого да поканим ако сме координатори?