Made by: Fatima Daak Ms. Lifrieri Period 7
Classification Kingdom: Animailia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family: Ursidae Genus: Ursus Species: Ursus maritimus “sea bear”
Natural Habitat Habitat: Arctic Polar Icecaps Nations where they live: Alaska (U.S.), Canada, Russia, Greenland, and Norway
Population Approximately 20,000-25,000 (worldwide; 2008) Known to many that Polar Bears seem threatened. If climate change continues to be a problem in the Arctic, sooner or later two-thirds of the world’s population of polar bears could disappear by 2050.
Predator And Prey It usually eats seals, but on rare cases they as well eat other polar bears. Animals that compete for same food: Arctic wolves, Great white sharks, Orca whales, and humans (in the 19 th and 20 th century for its oil, pelt and meat until almost extinction) Animals that hunts the polar bear: Only humans. It is unlikely, but there is some cases where other polar bears due to the stress of finding food causing the infrequent acts of cannibalism.
Reasons of Success To be able to catch seals: Waits quietly at its breathing hole and once a seal come up for air the polar bear charges and grasps it until it is dead. Watches a seal and silently gets close and then attacks. Hunts underneath the ice, swimming.
Adaptations To the environment: In the fall, pregnant polar bears: Make dens in the snow called snowbanks and they would stay there all through the winter and give birth to 1-3 cubs, emerging in the spring w/ her cubs trailing behind. Born features: White fur; helps to blend in w/ snow and ice. Large paws; helps to walk on ice. Layer of fat under skin and thick fur; helps to stay warm. Strong swimmers; fore legs and paws help propel them through the water.
Recommendations Set aside an area for just polar bears and restrict future drilling of oil and gas. Reduce the affects of global warming; greenhouse emissions/ gases.
References eaturefeature/polar-bear/ eaturefeature/polar-bear/