Title slide Title should be the name of your zoo Add your name at bottom Add clipart or an animal picture You may change the font or use WordArt
SouthSide Zoo A Wild Adventure By Mrs. Sullivan Example of a Title slide
Polar Bear Weighs 770–1,500 lbs Carnivores Live to up to 25 years 2 cubs at birth One animal fact slide for each animal in PowerPoint - total of 10 animal fact slides Animal Fact Slide
Resize text fame to ½ size Lifespan Weight Interesting facts On this side paste the picture you copied from the Internet Go back & copy the web address. Paste the address in the text box on the reference page
Cost Spreadsheet Animal# Purchased Price EachTotal Price Tiger8 $ 27,500 $ 220,000 Grand Total $ 220,000 Copy & paste spreadsheet into PP
Copy & Paste Pie Chart in PP
Copy & Paste lifespan column chart in PP
Copy & Paste weight column chart in PP
Life Span of Animals Purchased Mean is ____________ years Median is __________ years Mode is ____________ years The animal with the longest life span is ______ The animal with the shortest life span is _____
Weight of Animals Purchased Mean weight is _______________ Median weight is____________ Mode weight is___________ (may not be available) The heaviest animal is____________ The lightest animal is_____________
References Copy & Paste addresses as you get your pictures
Additional things Add clipart to your slides Change font color, style Add Animation Add WordArt Be creative!! Do not overdo it